Chapter 9

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~*~*~*~*few days later~*~*~*~*

I heard my alarm go off, school. I groan but I got up anyway and start my day. I got out a simple outfit that consisted skinny jeans, converse, with a concert T-shirt. Once I got dressed, I headed downstairs to see my mom putting breakfast on the table.

"Thanks mom, I could've made my own." I said as she put the plate of steaming food in front of me.

"I know, but I wanted too." She smiled. I smiled back as we started eating our breakfast. I finished mine and looked at the time and decided that it was time to finish my routine. When I got done with my hair, makeup already done, I heard a car horn go off. Skylar is here. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my stuff and met my mom at the door. I gave her a hug and a 'bye' and was out the door. I got to the door of Skylar's mustang and got in. I smiled and give a short kiss.

"Hey babe, can we go to Starbucks on the way to school? I went to bed later than usual and I need the extra boost." I asked him as he started the car back up.

"Sure, I was wanting to get some as well." He smiled and backed out of the driveway.


"Hey there is Tori, Emily, and Aria. I'll see you inside, okay?" I said as I looked over to Skylar.

"Okay, see ya inside." He said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled and got out of the car and walked over to the girls, who were about to go inside.

"Heyya guys." I smiled.

"Hey Zel." The girls relied. We walked into the doors of the school and met up with Courtney and Juliet.

"Hey Zelda, where is your hottie of a boyfriend?" I heard Juliet's voice over the crowd in the hallway. I looked at her with an annoyed look on my face.

"To none of your concern. You should set your sights on another man instead of mine. It would save you a lot of trouble." I snap.

"Whatever. I saw him first, just because you got him first doesn't mean that I don't have a chance." She said with a rightful attitude, like its her god given right to have Skylar.

"Why don't you just back off bitch. It's not your god given right to have Skylar. He is mine, so just back he hell off." I growled at her. She scoffed and raised her hand. She squinted her eyes then I felt something hit my face and then my cheek started to sting, making my hand touch it, making me wince because its still tender.

"Zelda, are you alright?" I heard Emily ask as she realized what just happened.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said through gritted teeth, still casting a glare towards Juliet.

"Are you sure Zelda?" Tori asked.

"Didn't you hear her? She said she's fine." Juliet said with a bitchy attitude.

"Shut up bitch, no one asked for your opinion." I growled to her.

"Come on Zelda, lets go." Aria spoke up, trying to do some crowd control on the situation.

"I agree, lets go." Both Emily and Tori agreed. Emily and Tori finally dragged me away from Juliet. We decided just to go ahead to first block, so I texted Skylar telling that but leaving the details why we made that decisions. When we walked past the cafeteria, I smelt a god awful smell, it made my stomach start to curl. I tried to get over it, but my mouth started to be overwhelmed with saliva. I stopped in my tracks.

"Zelda, are you alright?" I heard Tori say, noticing me stop walking. I didn't answer, I just ran to the closest bathroom, with the girls following behind me. I found the closest toilet and hurled my guts into it. I felt my hair being moved from my face, probably one of the girls. After I finished, I grabbed a paper towel and wiped my mouth off and grabbed a water from my bag and got the taste out of my mouth.

"I'll ask again, are you alright?" Tori repeated.

"Yeah, I am now."

"Are you sure?" Aria asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you smell that horrible smell from the cafeteria?"

"The cafeteria didn't have a bad smell to it." Emily said slowly.

"I could've sworn there was. It smelled horrible."

"Are you feeling sick?" Tori asked, clearly thinking about something.

"No, I feel fine now. There is still a little nausea, but overall fine."

"Ok, do you need to go home? Or go to the nurse?" Emily asked.

"No, I'm fine, lets just get to class, I'll watch over myself to make sure that nothing gets worse."

"Good, okay girls, lets go to class." Aria said, leading us out of the bathroom. When I was exiting, I ran into someone. I looked up and saw it was Skylar.

"Zelda? I thought you were in class already." He said, confused.

"Yeah, we were heading that way, but Zelda had a little wave of nausea hit her." Tori explained to him.

"Really? Zelda are you ok?" He asked, immediately worried upon learning of my condition.

"Yeah, I'm fine now. Still a little nauseous, but nothing I can't handle." I answer him.

"Well, please if you feel horrible again, and you want to go home, I'll take you home." He says as he gave me a hug.

"Ok, I will, I promise." I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. We let go and he grabbed my hand. "Are you walking with me to class?"

"Yeah, got to make sure my bunny makes it to class ok." He said as he gave me a cheesy smile.

"Guys, just stop. You'll make me barf." Emily joked.

"Oh, shush up you. I bet you would be the same when you finally get a man for yourself." I teased back.

"Whatever. I won't be as sickening sweet you two are. My gosh." Emily asked.

I as a joke around with my friends, I can't help but wonder:

What hell is going on with me? I never get sick out of the blue like that.



Hey my lovely readers, this has to be the fastest update I have ever done in my lifespan of writing. Any where. Well like I said last chapter, I write when the inspiration hits. And it did. On the other hand, who here is really starting to hate Juliet? Give me a show of hands? Hmmm, everyone, thought so. I wasn't really liking her when writing this chapter. And I came up with the character. What could be the matter with poor ol' Zelda? Ideas? Please comment , vote, follow or whatever you like. Until next time, bye! =P


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