chapter one

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September 1st, 1994

The train station was always crowded and chaotic when the new school year began, but this year could've broken any record. Not only was it remarkably crowded, but it was also unwelcomely loud.

Students from every year squealed as they reunited with their friends, taking down anyone in the path of their tight hugs and laughter. The first years stood quietly to the side and mostly stuck by their parents, this was nothing unusual.

The Hogwarts Express screeched as it held back on its breaks, causing a few students to wince or cover their ears. The arrival of the train instantly caused some sort of nerves to kick in within every student, the arrival meant that it was time to leave, seriously this time.

"You know what this means," Clementine Rosier said to her parents as she turned around, throwing a hand in the air. "Sixth time's a charm." With the corners of her lips turned upwards, she gathered her stripped suitcases into her arms.

Her parents let out a happy sigh and nodded their heads, being familiar with the process of sending their child to Hogwarts. It never got easier to see them go, though. With a loud whistle, the Hogwarts Express begged for Clementine to climb abroad.

"Be safe, darling." Her mother wrapped her arms tightly around her daughter's frame, squeezing her a bit too hard. Clementine happily returned the hug with a grasp of air while pulling her father in also.

The small family shared a moment before pulling apart and waving their young daughter goodbye. "Remember what we talked about, what could happen but probably won't?" Her father raised his eyebrows as he asked her from a few inches away, Clementine nodded her head and held her thumb in the air.

"I know you'll be safe but remember to be safe, please!" Her mother reminded her once again as she walked towards the train, almost out of sight. Clementine turned swiftly around with a smile on her face.

"I love you guys!" With those words, she hopped excitedly on the train, ready to start her sixth year and ready to see what was possibly in store for her.

Most compartments were full by the time you got on the train, no matter how early or late you were. One of the worst parts was having to find your friends when you didn't see each other on the platform. Luckily, this year only took Clementine a few minutes.

After a few awkward encounters of peering into different compartments full of mostly familiar faces, she finally spotted her platinum-blonde friend sitting with a textbook open on her lap.

"What are you reading?" Clementine quickly slipped in and sat across from the familiar girl, setting her luggage off to the side. Olive Griffin immediately shot her head up at the sound of a voice but replaced her scowl with a smile when their eyes met.

"Trying to refresh myself on curses," Olive held the book up for her to glance at. "You never know who needs to be taught a lesson." A smirk appeared across her pink lips as she raised her eyebrows in a devilish manner, Clementine couldn't help but chuckle.

"Curse Pansy Parkinson while you're thinking about it." Blaise Zabini abruptly entered the compartment, glancing at the two girls before sitting down. He rolled his eyes before throwing his arm around the back of the seat.

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