chapter fifteen

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December 25th, 1994

Cedric Diggory woke up that morning with a stomach full of joy and fulfillment. Younger him had been waiting years for a moment like this, thinking of all the dancing and dressing up everyone will do.

He was anticipating seeing his friends and peers dressed in their best outfits, dancing the night away, and laughing with one another. It was finally time to let loose and forget everything that was going on in real-time.

His father and mother had sent his best robes already, attaching a note that spoke of how excited they were for him, for he was waiting for this day since his father mentioned it to him years ago.

He was never sure if he'd get a Yule Ball in his time at Hogwarts, but the thoughts always lingered in his head. At the end of the day, Cedric loved to dance and entertain, this would be perfect for him.

Clementine Rosier had awoken out of her bed, letting out a loud yawn and reaching to tug the covers back to her side.

"Always been a bed hog, haven't you?" Olive mumbled tiredly, yanking the covers back to cover her body.

"Always been inconsiderate the second you both wake up, haven't you?" Blaise groaned from the wooden floor with his eyes still closed, furrowing his eyebrows as he attempted to fall back into slumber.

Blaise, Olive, and Clementine had a ritual of sleepovers every time something exciting happened at the school, knowing the teachers wouldn't do a room check until days after.

Penelope never seemed to mind, for she was as deep as a sleeper as they got. It gave them a sense of being at home with friends, having sleepovers, and giggling all night until their eyes couldn't stay open anymore.

"It's an important day, guys! Time to get up!" Clementine ripped the blankets from Olive, earning a hard groan, and did the same to Blaise.

"We get to dress up, dance, and see where the night takes us!" She stood on the cold floors now, yellow pajama pants tucked under her feet, staying around the room.

"You just want to dance with Pretty Boy." Olive tried to cover her eyes from the sun but quickly realized it was failing.

"I do not!" Clementine said, folding her arms. "Well, you just wanna dance with Draco Malfoy!"

Olive let out a loud gasp and leaned up from the bed. "I do not!" She chuckled a pillow at Clementine, trying to draw attention away from the blush on her cheeks.

"I see the way you clam up around him, don't lie!" She responded, laughing loudly as she caught the pillow.

"Woah, woah! What? And no one thought to bring this up to me?" Blaise had also leaned up from the floor, eyes open and ready to speak of gossip. 

"She's lying, Blaise! He's too young for me, anyway!" Olive attempted to explain herself, her usually pale cheeks replaced with bright red ones.

"Well, technically. You're still 16,"

"Almost 17." Olive interrupted Blaise sharply. "Doesn't matter anyways."

Clementine had interrupted into laughter, watching Blaise follow after her. Olive had never really spoken of any crushes in her years, but Clementine could always tell.

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