chapter thirteen

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December 14th, 1994

The prefect had stood in the Hufflepuff common room with them, watching them walk back to their assigned rooms, and then shortly leaving after seeing neither of them sneaking out.

Cedric knew he had no choice but to slip into his pajamas and lay in bed, listening to the faint snores of his roommates.

Sleep was not in his cards for the night since his heart and mind were full of millions of streams of thoughts and wishful thinking.

What would this mean now? If he loved her and she loved him, would they be together? There's no way in Godrick that everything would be that simple, not with her. Anything would be worth it, though.

He reminisced on her confessions, thinking back to the year they met and dreaming of such things leaving her mouth. It was merely love at first sight for him when he saw her, he didn't know of love and its powers of it back then, but he could recognize she was extremely important to him.

Young Cedric never knew why he was always attempting to make her laugh, always trying to sit closer to her than the other kids, and wishing for her presence every moment. As he got older, it all clicked.

Clementine was enchanting, determined, and courageous for hiding behind her feelings all this time as Cedric thought of it. All he did was express how much he needed her, how much he wanted her, and she didn't know how to handle it.

She laid in her bed, mirroring his actions from across the common room, staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts and words terribly frightened her, wondering how she could mean so much to one person.

As much as this confused her, she knew it could be possible because she felt the same for him. She avoided him to avoid her own feelings but that wasn't an option anymore, she decided she needed to grow up.

December 15th, 1994

The next day, Clementine walked herself to early morning class, head full of thoughts and feelings. She was aware she and Cedric needed to have an entirely different conversation but when, that was the question.

The last thing she needed was a serious relationship that she was supposed to keep under the radar, especially a relationship all of Hogwarts was hoping for.

The classroom was exciting and loud, they bounced with energy and conversation around the room as Clementine found her seat.

Cedric sat only a few seats away, talking to some Ravenclaws about a quidditch match, not noticing her as she made herself comfortable.

"Good morning, sunshine. For someone who stayed up all night, you still managed to get here pretty late." Penelope, a roommate, spoke. Clementine watched her as she did her hair in the room this morning and threw on her robes, not feeling ready to get up just yet.

"I'm not feeling it today, Pen." She responded, giving her friend a half smile. The girl was exhausted and she knew her skin definitely showed it.

Her eyes couldn't help but fall into Cedric's direction, noticing how his usual hairstyle appeared rougher and messier, and his skin seemed paler than usual. He must've stayed up as well, she thought.

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