chapter eleven

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May 5, 1993

Clementine Rosier had only been at Hogwarts for a handful of months, but within that time, Cedric Diggory had become enchanted by the girl. If he had any waking moment that wasn't dedicated to studying, quidditch, or being in class, he was following the girl like a love-sick puppy.

In their fourth year, everyone had suddenly begun to notice that not everyone around them was full of cooties and germs. The girl beside them in potions wasn't as annoying anymore, and the boy that made them laugh so hard was beginning to look a lot like a match.

Every girl started to notice the way Cedric Diggory carried himself, the way his brown fluffy hair moved as he laughed, and how tall he was beginning to grow. He was beautiful inside and out, everyone knew that from the second he walked into the room.

Clementine Rosier had transferred this year, gaining multiple boys' attention with it, but too oblivious to notice or care. The timing was perfect for them, for they both needed the attention of other students. Cedric had plenty of friends but none of them seemed to understand him the way she did.

"Ced, will you bring me to the library this afternoon?" Clementine said softly, ruining their comfortable silence on their usual walk to class. The two always walked to class together when they could, sometimes Cedric would just drop her off. As he had gotten older, he realized he did this so his classmates wouldn't have a chance to crack on her.

Clementine knew exactly where the library was at this point, but she knew he liked the show her around. She knew where everything was In the school, but Cedric enjoyed helping her out and being around her.

"Of course, Clem! Why are we going to the library-" Cedric looked down at her smaller frame, a large smile on his face. "Oh!" He yelled loudly, allowing a chuckle to fall from his lips. Cedric had forgotten they agreed to tutor some first years together.

They both shared a laugh before spotting the potions classroom and seeing George and Fred standing outside the door. Cedric had somewhere else to be and gave her a small peck on the forehead before waving goodbye to the boys.

Clementine had quickly grown a friendship with the Weasley twins, having almost identical classes, and no one could ignore their loud voices when sitting near them. The boys always knew there was something special between the two of their friends, always seeing the way they stole glances at one another or blushed in their presences.

George almost made a comment to her about the kiss, but Fred already smacked his shoulder, knowing he had no reason to ruin their moment. They had always teased and asked her about their relationship, but she did nothing but deny it.

"We're just friends! Aggravant les garçons." Clementine would mumble to herself, always wishing she could tell them differently.

George and Fred would shrug their shoulders in unison, never knowing any of the french words she'd say, but enjoying the way they sounded.

"One day, we'll all be running this school. You know that?" Fred chimed, setting his bag down on the floor beside his chair. "Us, you, Cedric."

At this point, it was only the four of them who hung out. They spent any waking moment together in class, studying, or finding mischievous things to get into.

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