chapter two

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September 1st, 1994

The Great Hall bounced with energy as friends united, seeing even more happy faces than before. Clementine, Olive, and Blaise walked together to the start-of-year feast, laughing at being in their robes once again.

"Coming to our dungeons tonight, Clem?" Blaise lazily threw his arm around Olive, their robes mirroring one another on their body.  Clementine glanced at the room around her, taking in the known sights that she longed for over the summer.

The shining candles lit up elegantly above the tables, the night sky piercing through the ceiling, tables upon tables of pure joy and radiant smiles, it was something that surely could be missed.

"After she finds and speaks to Harry, yeah?" Olive held her hand up with a small smirk across her lips, beginning to step closer to the Slytherin table. Clementine knew her closest friend was excited to sit at her house table, wanting to hear her other good friends talk about their summers.

Clementine swiftly nodded her head before backing up, holding a soft thumbs up in the air while turning around, she was also thrilled to see her Hufflepuff companions. The first feast was always enjoyable, you had plenty of things to catch up on, loads of new stories to hear, and tons of food.

On top of that, the small and cute first years get to be sorted. Clementine loved their sparkling little faces and how delighted they would get over the Sorting Hat's decision. She never got to be a first-year at Hogwarts, transferring in at the beginning of her fourth year always broke her heart a bit.

Ives Rosier, Clementine's father, was born in France but his parents moved him to England to be closer to his mother's family before he was ten. After graduating from Hogwarts and working in England for a few more years, he moved back to France to be closer to his other family.

At the age of twenty-one, he met a kind French girl named Florence who he ended up buying flowers for every day. They were married within two years and had Clementine by twenty-five. Clementine ended up at Beauxbaton, attending the school until the end of her third year.

Ives and Florence Rosier decided it would be best to move back to England, her father also truly wanted her to experience Hogwarts. He would tell stories upon stories of the chaos he would create and the pranks other students would pull. These stories made her mother even more nervous about her attendance at Hogwarts, of course.

The Hufflepuff table was mostly crowded already, the Hufflepuffs knew exactly where to find their friends. Clementine greeted a few well-known smiles, giving or receiving a few hugs in return.

"They let you in another year, Rosier?" Clementine stopped walking, thankful to hear her name since she had no idea where to sit. Her brunette hair fell out of her face as she turned around to see the voice, a beaming smile forming across her face. 

Penelope Smith, her favorite Hufflepuff to ever exist. "And I'm surprised you didn't flunk out, Smith." Clementine playfully stuck out her tongue as she climbed over the bench to sit across from her. Penelope stared for a moment before a loud chuckle escaped her lips.

"Oh, how I missed you, sweet Clem." Her warm hand found Clementine's, giving it a reassuring hard squeeze. She wore more gold rings on her hands and her smile had gotten more radiant since last year.

"How I've missed you more, Pen." Clementine squeezed her hand back before releasing it, looking around at the environment before her. So much yellow surrounded her, almost enough to make her vomit, in a nice way. Her eyes met a few students from her year, their names popping up in her head as she glances at them.

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