First Impression

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Jack Kelly:
You were walking down the street, on your lunch break, when you rounded a corner and ran into two boys. You walked straight into them knocking them backwards. "Oh sorry!" You say quickly trying to walk away. "Oh no you don't!" The one with the weird mustache said grabbing your shoulder. They pushed you into a nearby ally, throwing you on the ground. Wincing in pain, you yelped for help. The other one began to kick you. You yelped louder and they yelled at you, "Shut it girl, if you want to live?" They snickered. 'Fuck, so this is how my life ends then' You think to yourself. You shut your eyes as tears build when you realized they've stopped kicking you. You open your eyes to a boy in a cowboy hat beating the two boys. They eventually give up, leaving the ally. "Run Delancey's, ya no good scums!" The boy in the cowboy yelled as the other two boys scrambled away.  "You alright Miss?" You nodded as the boy leant down to help you. "Jack." "Y/N." You replied, shocked as how cute this Jack was. His dirty blonde hair was slightly messed up as he helped you up.  His beautiful chocolate eyes staring back at your E/C ones. "Let's get ya outta this ally."

David Jacobs:
You went up to your locker and quickly switched out your books in your locker. You close your locker and turn to the school bully, Ryder. He slapped your books out of your hands as he and his friends snickered. "Where  you going Y/N?" Ryder snickers stepping on your books, closer to you. "J-Just to my next class." You timidly reply. "Hey boys look, she's scared!" He taunts. Your face heats up. "N-No I'm n-not." You stutter. All you want is to get to class and get this stinky Ryder away from you. "Get lost!" A boy with brown curly hair says, pushing Ryder back. Ryder gives him a disgusted look and walked away with his friends. You bend down to get you books as the boy helped you. You glanced up at a pair of crystal blue eyes looking back at you. He hands you your books and gives you a smile. You flush red as the school bell rings. "Oh I've gotta get to class!" You say panicking. "Wait! What's your name?" The boy calls out to you. "Y/N!" you call back. "David." He says, giving you a smile. You blush as you rush off to you class with David's gorgeous eyes and smile running through you head like a horse at Sheepshead.

Crutchie Morris:
You look out your window, waking up to the beautiful sky and air and decide to take a walk. They sky was a clear blue, scarce with clouds. The breeze was blowing softly and the streets were clearer than usual. You rounded the corner of the street to a newsboy with a crutch getting picked on by two scums in bowler hats. You could hear the newsboy try to reason with them. His sweet voice stuttered out, "Come on guys, let's talk about dis?" "Sure let's-" You cut the boy off. "Back off willya?" You say, slipping into your street accent. "Whadda we got ere'?" One of the boys in the bowler hats says. The newsboy stands in awe, he was taken back at your beautiful appearance. "Back! Off!" You say pushing the two boys back. They chuckle and walk away, staring at you with gross smiles on their faces. "Sorry bout dat." You say, turning to the newsboy who is still stunned by your beauty. "C-Crutchie." He stutters out, sticking his hand out for you to shake. "Y/N." You reply with a smile, shaking his hand. You now get a good look at the newsboy. His brown floofy hair and his chocolate brown eyed with a dashing smile. You blush as you walk away. You look back and smile at him and he flushes pink.

Racetrack Higgins:
You brushed off your horse after the race you just won, cleaning him up. The other racers were real dicks towards you since you were the only female racer at Sheepshead and were better than all of them. One of the racers, Ian, walked past you hitting your shoulder. "Good job to you too I guess?" You mumble as he walks past you. Ian was bitter you passed him in the last few seconds of the race, beating him. "What you just say?!?" He grumbles at you. "I said, good job to you too, I guess." You reply staring back at him with just as much attitude. "You cheated!" He yells at you, purely sour. "Your just upset that I'm better than you and I'm a girl!" You yelled back. He grunts and storms off. You chuckle to yourself, knowing you were correct. "Whether ya cheated or not," you turned around, "thanks fa winnin' so I ain't owe an old man 5 bucks." A newsboy with a cute crooked smile says. "Your welcome." You reply. "Whadda they call ya, miss?" He says, sticking his cigar in his lips. "A winner." You say flashing a smile at the boy. "Or Y/N." He chuckles. "They call me Racetrack." He says sticking his hand out for you to shake. "Ironic, if I do say so." You chuckle shaking the boys hand.

Spot Conlon:
You were crossing the Brooklyn Bridge with your brother, Jack along with Boots and David. "I's don't know why you'se insisted on comin' Y/N."  Jack said. "I don't want me sister gettin hurt!" "Jack I's can handle myself." You argue. "Jack calm down I'm pretty sure she'll be fine." David ensured. "Thanks Dave." You said. You neared the docks where the Brooklyn Newsies all hung out. They all stared at you, for none of the other cities Newsies knew that Jack even had a sister. "Well if it ain't Jack be nimble, Jack be quick." You heard a voice say. You looked up and saw who you assumed was the infamous, Spot Conlon. "I see you moved up in the world, Spot. Got a river view and everything." Jack said as the boy climbed down and spit in his hand as Jack and him spit shook. "Whadda we got ere'?" Spot said, now with his eyes on you. "Y/N Kelly." You say spitting in your hand like your brother did. "Didn't know ya had a sista Jackie?" Spot said shaking your hand. "Spot Conlon." "So I's heard." You say. You got a good look at this Spot Conlon, he was a small bit taller than you with stormy blue eyes. You had to admit, you liked what you saw. The entire time David, Jack and Spot argued, you stared at Spot, admiring him.

Mush Myers:
You ran a fruit stand with your older brother, both of you were orphans since your parents had passed from illness. You had just finished selling for the day and your brother let you take a stroll while he closes up shop. You were just rolling along when a couple of guys ran past you quickly. You looked on the ground and saw a newsboy cap. You figured it belonged to one of the boys who flew by so you picked it up and ran after them. You finally found them and saw it was a group of Newsies. Upon approaching them, they all removed their caps. One of them however didn't have a hat, he kept feeling through his curly dark brown hair, but his cap was nowhere to be found. "This must be yours." You said, handing the boy the cap. He smiled an you both blushed. "Thanks, I'm Mush by the way." "Y/N." You say before walking back over to your brother and the packed up fruit stand with a goofy smile on your face. His chocolate brown eyes and dashing smile invaded your thoughts, 'he was so charming' you thought to yourself. "You musta seen someone pretty handsome if your that dazed." Your brother said breaking your trance. "Oh I did!"

Kid Blink: 
"Can I go off to Tibby's?" You asked your father, The Mayor. "Yes sweetie, don't get into any trouble down there alright?" He replied handing you some change for food. "Thanks father!" You pecked your fathers cheek and were off to your favorite restaurant, Tibby's. You met some of your friends there and some Newsies were also there hanging out. One of your friends, Hayden, was flirting with one of the Newsies. You laughed and sat down with your friends. You guys were talking when you looked over and caught eye contact with a Newsie in an eye patch. You quickly looked away as your face flushed red. "Someone liked what they saw." One of your friends said nudging your shoulder. "Shut up." You said turning even redder. "If you don't talk to them you'll regret it." Hayden said. "I took my chance and now I got a date on Friday with this cute newsie named Specs." She boasted. "Make like Hayden and talk to him, might work out for you." Your other friend said nudging you on. Before you could get up, the Newsie in the eye patch beat you to it. "Names Kid Blink." He said, taking your hand and placing a kiss on it. You flushed bright red, "Y/N." Next thing you knew you two had a date set for Saturday Night.

You were the leader of the Staten Island Newsies, the only borough of New York that was only female Newsies. That didn't stop you from being the most feared territory; even Brooklyn knew not to mess with you. One day, you were just relaxing in your office when your second in command, Ace, showed up. "There's a 'hatten Newsie outta territory, brown hair, kinda tall, should I soak em'?" She said. "Nah, bring em' ere' first. Manhattan knows not ta cross territory, gotta know why he's ere'." A few minutes later, Ace shoves in a tall Newsie, brown hair, really lanky. His longish hair covered his face, and he stared at the floor. You moved you cap down, creating a shadow on your face, all your hair was tucked in your hat to prevent it from getting in your way. "How'd ya end up in Staten?" You say, leaning back on some crates. "Uh-Uh me friends dared me to sell a pape ere'." He stuttered out slightly looking up. You caught a somewhat glance at his face and you'd have to admit it was cute. "You'se should know betta den ta listen to em'." You say, standing up. He stepped back and looked at you. You got a real good look at his face, like you thought, it was cute. You lifted your hat up a bit to get a better look and his face flushed red. "What's ya name?" You asked. "S-Skittery." He stuttered out. "Well, Skittery," You walked towards him, "be glad I'm sendin' ya back in one piece. Get back ta ya turf." He nodded and headed towards the door. You frowned as he scrambled away. 'He's probably terrified of ya now' you thought to yourself 'You don't got a chance with em'.


Is the Y/N's personality for Skittery loosely based off of me? Maybe....

Also I love that picture so I put it there

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