Meeting Parents

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(Ok some of them you don't have parents so like just gonna skip em over and Mush gets a second chance with the brother because I want Mush to get a happy ending)

ALSO 100 READSSS THXX  Honestly thought this was gonna be trash but hey thanks my fellow readers

Jack Kelly:

"Are ya sure we want ta do dis?" Jack asked, he had been nervous to meet your mom for weeks now. "Come on Jack, since when have you been such a baby?" You teased. Teasing him always tended to help get him to do things. "I's not a baby!" He exclaimed. "Then you can do this." You said, rubbing his shoulder. 

You two made it to your apartment where you mother had eagerly awaited your arrival. You patted Jack on the back before knocking on the door. Your mother opened the door and smiled. "Y?N! And is this Jack?" She said with a smile. "Yes Miss." Jack replied shaking your mothers hand. "Well let's not stay in the door way, let's eat some lunch!" Your mother exclaimed leading you two inside. 

You all ate and your mother told many funny stories about you, nothing to embarrassing at least.  You were happy your mother was seeming to like Jack and Jack was getting more comfortable. 

After Lunch, you walked with Jack back to the Newsies Lodge. "You defiantly got a great impression with my mom, and if my Dad was still here he would've loved you too." You say. Jack gave you a hug and placed a kiss on the top of your head before going into the lodge.

David Jacobs:

( Pretty much after you guys became friends you two have known each others family so it doesn't really count that much tbh tho everyone's parents would love him anyway)

Crutchie Morris:

Your parents are dead, your an orphan, but  you know they would've adored Crutchie because I mean who doesn't.

Racetrack Higgins: 

(No I am not getting lazy this is an ideal part of the story)

Race never really met your parents because you were considered "High Class" and they would probably hurt Race or make someone hurt him if they found out about you two. But you love Race and that's all that matters.

Spot Conlon:

You only have Jack and ya'll know how Jack feels about this, he doesn't love it, but at least your happy and that's what really matters to him.

Mush Myers:

The other day, your brother said something that you'd never expect. "Hey Y/N, I feel bad about not letting you see Mush, I'm willing to give him another chance." You shot up and hugged your brother tight, thanking him. 

A few days later,  you walked over to the lodge to meet get Mush. "Hello Miss. Y/N." Kloppman said as you entered. "Mush is upstairs." He said pointing to the stairwell; Kloppman knew what was happening for Mush had been stressing about it for the past few days.

You walked upstairs seeing Mush in his bunk in a fetal position. You chuckle to yourself and climb up to his bunk. "Hey you ready?" You asked him. He kept his head in his knees and mumbled out a 'no'. "You got this Mush, if my brother is giving you a second chance, you have to take it" (If you don't take a chance, you'll never have a chance because you didn't take it- Delia Deetz) 

Mush fidgeted with his hands the whole walk to your apartment. You rubbed his shoulder at an attempt to relax him. As you neared your apartment Mush suddenly stopped. "I-I-I don't think I can do this, he's probably right, I don't deserve you or this." He cried. "Oh Mush." You engulfed him in a hug. "You CAN do this, I believe in you, if my brother has a problem with you that's on him not you." You say, lifting his chin and kissing his nose.

That night went a lot better than before, your brother realized that Mush made you happy and that's what matters. 

(Mush's was longer because he needed redemption  😌)

Kid Blink:

So, your dad is the mayor, that's a lot of pressure. Blink had postponed meeting him for a while. You've heard many excuses from him, including but not limited to, him buying more papers he can't sell so he's out longer, him hanging out with Mush and Race, and him complaining about his eye. Finally, you got tired of the excuses.

"Blink, I know your nervous to meet my dad, I would be too, but you have to believe me when I say that he will love you and you'll be fine." You told him. "You can't just run away from it." (DON'T RUN FROM YOUR PROBLEMS I EMPHASIS THIS  CAUSE I'VE BEEN THERE TRUST ME)

Blink sighed and cuddled into your shoulder. "I's just worried I'll mess us up." He sighed. "Believe me I'm nervous to, but I have hope and that's enough." You said stroking his hair. "And if he doesn't like us together than that's his problem, we can run off away and live without him." You joked, making Blink chuckle. 

He finally got the courage and you brought Blink to meet your father at your house. The night went amazing and you were thrilled and relieved your father liked Blink. They had a similar sense in humor which made them get along well. 

As you walked Blink home, you could see the shear excitement in his eyes at how much your father and him got along and how much he liked him. "I'm so happy! " He exclaimed, he picked you up and spun you around as your joyous laughter filled the air. 


Your an orphan yet again, but all the Staten Island Newsies agreed that they liked Skittery and was fit for their leader.


Jack's was short because I couldn't think of anything and plus Blink and Mush needed some love

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