How He Asked You Out

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Jack Kelly:
"Hey Y/N!" You and Jack had become great friends for a awhile now, ever since he saved you from the Delancey's that one day. He's introduced you to the others and you've all gotten along great. You've started to catch feelings for the Cowboy, and you've wanted to tell him, but you don't want to ruin your friendship with him. "Hey Jack!" He ran over to you. "How ya doin?" He asked walking next to you. "Good, you?" "Ya,  I-I gotta ask ya somethin'."He said. He seemed less confident than usual. "Ya sure, you have my attention." You say eagerly. "I-I uh I wanted to ask you-" He rubbed the back of his neck and bite his lip. "Uh-um, dammit Kelly you can do this!" He whispered to himself. "What?" You asked, now getting concerned why he wouldn't just spit it out. "Willyougoonadatewithme?" He blurted out. "What? Your gonna have to say that a little slower." He gulped, "Will you go on a date with me?" Your face flushed bright red. "Y-Yeah ok." You replied and he smiled. "Ok!"

David Jacobs:
Since David got Ryder off your back, you two have grown close. You had honestly fell for him the moment you two met eyes, but if anything, you wanted it to start out slow and get to know him first. You hung out with him a lot after school and also became great friends with his sister, Sarah, and his little brother, Les. You were over at his apartment playing with Les when Sarah went over to David and whispered something in his ear. "Well if your nervous, I'll give you a headstart." You heard Sarah say. "Wait what?" David said out loud. "Y/N," Sarah said, catching your attention, "David needed to ask you something." David's face went red and he looked at Sarah like he was going to kill her. "Les can you help me in my room please?" Sarah said taking Les's hand. "Ok!" He said walking away with her. "What'd you need to ask me?" You said walking over to him. "I was wondering um-uh maybe if you'd wanna like, gooutonadatewithme?" He stuttered out. "I didn't get the last part?" You said confused. He cleared his throat and gained a little confidence. "Would you wanna go out on a date with me maybe?" He said, fidgeting with his fingers. "Sure, of course." You said smiling. He smiled as well. "I'll see you then!" you said grabbing your stuff and walking out the door. Sarah heard the door close and walked out of her room over to David. "What'd she say?!?" Sarah asked, eager. "She said yes!!!" David said, happily.

(Lol I love the idea Sarah the wingman so...)

Crutchie Morris:
Ever since you met Crutchie, you've fallen for him and his charming smile. You've met some of the other newsies and they were all very nice and you guys got along well. You've bought a paper from him everyday since you've met him.  Sometimes you two would chat a bit before both of you had to get back to work. Today though, today something different happened that you weren't expecting. "Hey Crutchie!" You said happily strolling over to him. "Here for my daily pape." "Heya Y/N before ya leave I's got a question ta ask ya." He said handing you your paper. "Ya sure." You say, handing him a penny. "Do you maybe wanna go out to Tibby's with me later?" He said trying his best to act as confident as possible. Your face flushed red, "Uh sure." You said smiling. "Really, even if it's just you and me?" He asked, surprised you said yes. "Of course, I's would love ta go on a date with you'se." You said, reassuring him. He grinned really big and gave you a hug. You laughed and told him you had to get to work, "I'll see you later!" You said waving goodbye. "Ok!" He said waving back. 

(Ok every time I write about Crutchie I get soo happy, my precious child, sunshine in human form)

Racetrack Higgins: 
You and Race became good friends after you two met. Every time you would win a Race, he always made sure to congratulate you and give you a big hug. The other Racers didn't really like Race because they all saw the Newsies as street rats, but you and Race always had fun with each other no matter what world you two came from. One day, you weren't racing, so you decided to watch with Race in the stands. "Hey Race." You said sitting next to him. "If 21 wins, I get your bid." You said. Race snickered. "Alright, if 2 wins," He thought to himself, "you gotta go out with me." Your face dropped and went red with blush. "Deal!" You said shaking his hand. Even though you really wanted Race's bid, a date with him would better. You two eagerly watched the race unfold, nearing the end, 2 pulled it out crossing the finish line. "Fair and square." Race said, laughing. You fake pouted. "Brooklyn Bridge, 9:00, see you then." He said as you both stood up. "Alright." You said, sighing though you had a big dopy smile on your face. "You'se don't seem upset about it?" Race said as you two walked off the stands. "Maybe I am, maybe I'm not?" You said pecking his cheek. He held his cheek where you just kissed him, standing there in shock. You laughed and walked into the stables to check on your horse.

Spot Conlon: 
The scabs were soaking everyone and you were about to give up when a marble hit the scab soaking you. You looked up and saw Spot and the Brooklyn Newsies on the fire escapes around the  Circulation Center. "Never fear Brooklyn's here." Spot said smirking at you. "Brooklyn!" Mush yelled. They continued to shoot marbles at all the scabs, 'where do they get all these marbles?' You thought. Spot came down pushing two thugs off your back. "Thanks." You say, out of breath. "Anythin'." Spot replied, giving you a wink. You flushed pink, but before you could say anything, a thug punched you to the ground. Spot came charging at the thug, hitting him straight in the stomach with his pimp cane. 'Damn that was hot' you thought to yourself as Spot soaked all the scabs he could before they all stood back and fled. Everyone cheered as Denton gathered everyone for a picture. Spot grabbed you by the waist and pecked your cheek as the camera flashed. "My brother is gonna murder you as soon as he sees that." You said. "I can live with that." He laughed. He never really asked you out, you just became a thing after that day.

Mush Myers: 
After returning Mush's hat to him, you became great friends with him and the other Newsies. You two hung out a lot by yourselves and he never really asked you out, here's how it went down. "Hey wanna play truth or dare?" Race asked. "Sure." You said joined by Mush and a couple of other Newsies. "Ok David, truth or dare?" And the game began. After Jack had spilled some deep secrets, David spraining his ankle, and a very upset Crutchie after you stole his hat, you'll were in fits of giggles ,David in an ice pack, and Crutchie still fairly mad at you. "Ok Y/N, truth or dare?" Mush asked you. "Um, dare!" You said. Mush thought for a second then snickered.  "Oh god." You said with a chuckle.  "I dare you to kiss me." Mush  said laughing. The swarm of "Ooooo!" and cat calls spread across the group of boys playing. Mush laughed then you quickly smashed your lips to his. You both pulled away red as possible. "So dis is a thing now?" Mush asked you. "I think so." You replied laughing.

Kid Blink:
He asked you when you two first met. 

(He asked you last Chapter so there is nothing for him)

All of the Staten Island Newsies kept bugging you about how you let Skittery go without a fight. "Dis is da first one you'd let out without a bruise since ya rose to be our leader!" Ace complained. "Why'd ya let him out without a fight?" She asked. "Non of ya business, that's why!" You said fixing your hat to cover most of your face. "You thought he was cute didn't ya?" Ace said. "That's why ya let em' go!" Ace says excitedly. "Like I'd ever have a chance wit em' I's literally the most feared Newsie in New York." You say, exasperated. "You never know." Ace said, sitting down next to you. About a day later, Ace came rushing in your office with a piece of paper. "Look at what Cowboy gave me!" She handed you the paper. "Cowboy said he found it from Skittery and it was directed to ya." You looked at the paper and read it to yourself. 

Dear Y/N,
I'm not good with words, but I have a reasonable hand with writing. When your lifted you hat up slightly and I caught a glimpse of your eyes, my heart melted. All I have to say is that you are one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen.  Like your ever going to read this. If it ever gets to you, would you let me take you out to dinner?


Your face blushed bright red. "Was it a love letter?" Ace said noticing you flushed state. All you could do was nod. You folded the note and put it in your pocket. You walked over to your crate that you called a desk and pulled out some paper and pencil. You scribbled down 'yes sure I would love to meet you at Tibby's tomorrow around 5'. You folded the paper and gave it to Ace. "Give that ta Cowboy and tell em' ta give it ta Skittery." "Yes boss." Ace said running off. You reread the letter and smiled to yourself.


Ok I know I get a bit carried away with Skittery's, I just love him and he deserves the world. 

Also Spot's and Mush's don't really have him asking you, not because I'm lazy but because I liked the idea for them


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