You Steal Something of His

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(Lol that picture is a masterpiece of story telling 😌👌)

(No it's not going to be JUST his hat, I will mix it up)

Jack Kelly:
Jack had you wrapped in his arms as you nuzzled your face into his chest. Jack started to doze off as his head rested on yours. You lightly giggled as Jack started to faintly snore with his face in your hair. You looked at his chest and saw his red bandana tied around his neck. In a sly effort, you untied it and stuffed it in your pocket without Jack even noticing. You went back to relaxing in his arms and completely forgot about it.

The next morning, as you left for work, you reached in your pocket and found his bandana. Having completely forgotten about your stealing effort last night, it took you by surprise. You tied it around your own neck as you marched into the factory. "Someone's got a cute accessory today." The lady across from your sewing machine said. "Why yes, I stole it from my boyfriend." You reply with a chuckle. She laughed as well.

During your break you snuck up behind him and his friends talking. "I's been looking all ova for it. I swear it vanished!" You heard him exclaim. "What vanished" You say, catching his attention. He turned around and his eyes easily diverted to his bandana around your neck. "That actually." He replied pointing out the bandana around your neck. "Oh this?" You say with chuckle, knowing damn well you stole it last night. "Now that I's look at it a bit longa' it looks betta on you'se." He says; Jack always has a way to make you blush any day. "But it's still mine." You fake pout and untie it from your neck, handing it back to him. "Thanks."

David Jacobs:
You were over at the Jacobs's residents with David and Les, when Jack came tumbling down the fire escape. David went over to the window and opened it for Jack. "I need ya Dave, like right now!" Jack said eagerly. David looked back at you. "Jack this isn't really the best time..." "Dave it's urgent!" Jack exclaimed. "Go ahead I'll watch Les." You say as Jack pulls David through the window and down the fire escape. You heard them clang as they reached the bottom. Les looked over at you with puppy dog eyes. "Fine." You say. You grab you coat and Les's hand and walk down to the ice cream parlor down the street.

You and Les were greeted at the door with a very angry David. "What?" You say as Les runs in the apartment. "Did you just steal my brother?" David asked you. You giggled, "Maybe?" He laughed. "Don't be out so late though, you had me worried." David said hugging you, placing a kiss on your nose. "Sorry. Also I don't think it's good your jealous of a nine-year old for stealing your date." You chuckle. "I am not!" David said, crossing his arms. "Sure." You said, sarcastically.

Crutchie Morris:
You just met up with Crutchie to get your daily paper. "Heya Y/N! How ya doin' ta day?" Crutchie said with a big grin. "Lovely, you?" "Even better seein' you now!" Crutchie always could flatter you no matter what. Your cheeks flushed pink as you handed him a penny. He gave you a paper and waved off. As he turned back around you snatched his hat off of his head. You giggled at yourself for what you did and placed his hat on your head.

While you were putting some recently returned books away on the shelves, one of the other librarians came over to you. "Since when do you where hats?" They asked. "I's don't, it's my boyfriend's." You replied. "He let you wear it?" They asked. "No I's snatched it when he wasn't lookin'." You said. Your coworker chuckled.

As you were leaving the library, after dealing with a major book snob, Crutchie came hobbling over to you. "Hey Y/N," His eyed fell on his hat on your head, "is day me hat?" You blushed, "Maybe?" "How long have you'se had it?" Crutchie asked, no confused. "Did you'se not notice?" You asked as you handed him his hat. "I've had it since I's got a pape this mornin'." "Wow, I haven't noticed all day eh?" Crutchie said fixing his hat onto his head. "I guess not." You reply kissing his cheek.

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