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Jack Kelly:

Jack's was very simple and sweet. He asked your mother before hand and she gladly helped him set up a cute little area on the roof of your apartment complex. He led you up there and you sat and watched the sunset and right as the prime golden hour shown across your face, he got down on one knee and proposed with a ring his mother had left for him after she died for when he knew he'd met the one.

David Jacobs:

David was a nervous wreck when he wanted to propose to you. He waited until Les was done with school before he proposed. He got some help from Medda and set it up at Irving Hall. You two watched Medda perform and then she called David to the stage. As much as he hated everyone staring at him, he did it for you and proposed on the stage, in front of everyone.

Crutchie Morris:

He can't really get down on one knee so at dusk, he led you to the corner street he first met you on and held both of you hands and asked you to marry him. It was short and sweet .

Racetrack Higgins:

After one of your races, Race snuck into the stables and hid behind some hay. You came in to put Jet away and Race revealed himself. You laughed at how goofy he was being and then he dragged you off to a secret area of Sheepshead behind the stands. He gave you a tight hug from behind then got down on one knee.

Spot Conlon:

You won't believe this... he proposed on the Brooklyn Bridge (wow really!?!?!?) Shocking. He got Jack to give in and help him. He led you out there and under the moonlight he proposed.

Mush Myers:

You and him were dancing through the street, as one does, when he kind of just stopped and got down on one knee. He also asked your brother first obviously.

Kid Blink:

Blink and your dad got along very well and he was more than happy to grant Blink his blessing to marry you. Blink led you up to the roof of the Newsies Lodge and proposed under the stars. Also all of the newsies were in on it and helped him make sure no one was on the roof and they all listened through the windows.


A few months into you and Skittery's relationship, Ace was talking with you and goes "That boy's gonna marry you." and she wasn't wrong. His was short and sweet near the river and afterwards Ace said "I told ya he would."


Woah i actually started the wedding series wow I keep my promises though they may take a bit for me to get the motivation to follow through

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