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(This makes me miss my girlfriend 😭😭😭time to drown sorrow in ice cream)

(Yeah I don't like to do that much of Visual Preferences there just not my thing)

Jack Kelly:

You latch onto him like a koala; arms around his neck and legs wrapped tight around his waist. His arms are wrapped loosely around your waist and his knee's tucked under your legs. 

David Jacobs:

Your head rests on the top of his chest while sitting on your knees. He rests his head on top of yours with on arm draped around your waist.

Crutchie Morris:

Classic spooning except Crutchie's bad leg kind of just hangs off the side of what ever surface your cuddling on. Crutchie is also the big spoon.

Racetrack Higgins:

Race will cuddle you in any position, no matter what. If he wants to cuddle you, he god damn cuddles you!

Spot Conlon:

Also classic spooning and Spot is the big spoon. I don't care whether you are 6'5" Spot will always be the big spoon (he needs to feel dominant)

Mush Myers:

You guys tend to change positions when cuddling depending on your moods, but most of the time you are head ends up just resting in his chest

Kid Blink:

You both are tangled up in ways we didn't know were possible. You've ended up in the weirdest positions 😏(RICHARD NO I FED YOU THIS MORNING GO BACK TO YOUR CORNER)

(sorry about Richard he's been starving even though I feed him smut)


Skittery usually lays his head in your lap and you can pet his hair (it looks so soft I just want to pet it so god damn baddd)


Yeah I wrote most of these dressed as Jack Kelly while on camera in my English class soooo

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