Chapter 1: Holy Pizza

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A/N: second time writing a fanfic... don't judge. :( here u goooo!


Daniella's P.O.V:

"Turn up the TV, Anna!" I yelled from the kitchen of our apartment, grabbing a bag of Cheetos.

"Yeah I know! Oh my god, come here!" She screamed back.

I heard from the kitchen the preppy reporter talk about something about Justin Bieber, then I heard the Live While We're Young music come on and noticed the the pepsi commercial.

"Oh my god Daniella, I am so excited to meet them! This will be the best summer of my life!" She squealed right beside me on the couch.

"I can't believe my parents got both me and you tickets and meet and greet passes. I am so freakin happy," I said, "Oh look."

A picture of Harry Styles and Taylor Swift were shown on our big TV and below it read:

Haylor Confirmed Breakup.

"I hope so, this stuff is getting me mad." Anna said with an angered look on her face.

"Me too, she gotta lay off my man." I joked, and Anna laughed.

"He's mine." She seriously said.


The next 30 minutes we watched another recent interview on them and then I decided to go get some pizza to eat.

"I'm going to get some pizza from Rick's, okay? What kind should I get?" I said grabbing my hot pink coat and some white fluffy mitts.

"Umm, how about cheese with extra cheese on it and garlic fingers. Oh and donair sauce!" I gave her a look and just shrugged and walked out the door and into the elevator.

Since we lived in the penthouse suite, which was on the 30th floor, it took about 5 minutes to get to the lobby and out the front glass doors. It was so cold outside so I pulled my jacket up to my chin to cover my neck.


I opened the door to Rick's Pizzeria and felt the burst of warm air on my face. I went to the desk and greeted Rick because I knew him pretty well from going here often. Plus, I think he had a crush on me. But, I don't have a crush on him back. Don't worry. He has greasy hair.

"I am gonna have a medium cheese pizza with extra cheese, yeah I know, that's what Anna wants and garlic fingers with donair sauce too." I said looking at the tip glass which had only a quarter in it.

"Okay Daniella, it'll probably be ready in about 10 minutes." He answered with a smile.

"That's fine, I'll wait here." I walked over to a plastic chair and rested my head in my hands warming up my frozen cheeks.

"So, heard you're going to that stupid band, One Direction's concert in the summer." He turned around from a fryer.

"Huh?" I mumbled even though I heard him. I really didn't want to talk to him right now.

"I heard you are going to a One Direction concert." Ugh, leaving the 'stupid' part out you weirdo.

"Yup, with Anna and plus a meet and greet." I said popping the 'p'.

"Hmm... I see." He took out two boxes and a little baggy and put it on the counter.

"Here's your pizza, Dani." Oh my goodness do not call me Dani.

"Why not?" Wow, I must've said that out loud.

"Um I don't know, k thanks. Bye." I managed to get a look from him and then opened the door and walked out into the now snowing London with two big pizzas and a dangling bag on it.

"Urgh, why couldn't Anna of came with me." I said trying to get hair out of my face because I could not see.

I was about halfway to my apartment when I had fallen forwards and had the pizza fly everywhere.

"What the hell?" I tried to recompose myself and was accompanied by two hands grabbing mine.

"Are you okay? I'm terribly sorry, love." Who does this guy think he is?!

"Yeah I'm fine, but the pizza is everywhere." I laughed, my head still down.

"I'll help you with that." I finally looked up to see the back of a young man with brown, curly hair and a black long jacket. He turned around with the pizza boxes in his hand and I just gasped lightly, not letting him hear.

"T-thanks." I shivered. Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. It's Harry Styles. Why the hell is he back here?

"Oh you must be cold... um what's your name?"

"Daniella Forester." I smiled trying to act natural.

"That's a beautiful name. I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He extended his hand.

"I know, I love you." Oh shiz. I did not just say that.

Harry just laughed.

"A lot of people do." He laughed again.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, obviously showing my nervousness.

"Well, I'm terribly sorry about this. It was really nice meeting you, Daniella," He said and then hugged me, "but I have to get back to the boys. They will be worried."

Harry. Styles. Hugged. ME.

"Nice meeting you too. I'm sorry too about this." I replied.

"That's fine. Okay, well. Bye Daniella." He waved then I said 'bye' and we were then walking in opposite directions.

Oh my god. I just met Harry Styles.

Harry's P.O.V:

Daniella. Daniella Forester. She was beautiful. Her hair flowing uncontrollably and her eyes. Those deep, bright blue eyes. Everything about h-

"Watch it?!" A man yelled from the ground and ran off angry.

"I'm sorry!" I turned back and yelled. Ugh, I must've bumped that poor man.

But, wait. I will never see her again. I could go back. No, I can't. I have no clue where she lives. Oh, I want to see her again.

I walked up the stairs to mine and the boys apartment and opened the door really quickly and managed to get some 'where were you?', and 'hey?'.

"I went... to get... a slice of pizza." I lied.

The boys whispered amongst themselves a little bit and then went back to watching TV. What the?

"Um, okay. I'm going to my room." I grabbed a soda and a blanket and then went into my room and unlocked my phone. I just locked it again.

"Why. Why can't I see her again." This is stupid. I'm fantasizing over a girl I'll never see again and she probably won't see me again.

I took a sip from my soda and just laid back on my bed and let my thoughts take over me. I needed to find this girl.


A/N: omg I love you harry styles.<3 hahahah I think everyone does. ;)

so? is it good! I really just want to write a fanfic and this seems to do the trick. :)

I love you all my little duckies! please be good to me! oh & merry christmas!


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