Chapter 23: Things Are About To Get Ugly

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"Niall," Harry's rough voice deepened and his fists tightened. I quickly ran over to him and clutched onto his flexed arm. I looked up at him and saw anger boiling in his eyes. I remembered that this drunk guy with a slutty blonde was Anna's boyfriend, so I went over to her and held her wrist, my heart pounding in my chest.

Niall had his arm slung across her back and his hand was tightly placed on her waist, just above her bum. His eyes were a dark blue and his hair was tousled messily into his quiff. He was obviously drunk, you could tell just by the look on his face. He was so out of it, and I swear he probably didn't mean to get drunk.

On the other hand, the girl he was pressed up against, had her medium length bleach blonde hair messed across her forehead. She had on a tight, bright pink low cut dress that ended just under her bum. If you looked at her face, it looked as if someone had punched both of her eyes then spread hot pink makeup on them after. She had a slug look on her face, with a playful smirk planted on her mouth.

Everything about her disgusted me, and I was just about to kick the guts out of her. And Niall. He hurt my best friend, HIS own girlfriend.

"Nialler baby, can we please leave? I want to go home..." Her voice felt like poison seeping in through a fresh cut. It purred like a pleasured cat and it hurt. I managed to squeeze Anna's hand even more.

"Hales, I told you. We will go home after I tell my little friends my big news." Niall's voice was just as venomous. It slurred and his grin that was planted on his face made me sick.

I looked over at the tall blonde, I'm guessing the name being 'Haley', who had rearranged herself so that her head was rested on Niall's shoulder. It sickened me how she thought she could do anything she wanted to him.

"Whats this 'big' news you speak of?" Harry seethed through gritted teeth.

Niall's eyebrows raised and a smirk played on his lips. "I can't be in One Direction anymore. I've committed to a full relationship with Haley."

I felt like gagging, his response sickening me. It repulsed me, and I'm sure it did the same to Harry and Anna. I looked over at Anna, who had about three tears stains that had ran down her pale cheek and onto Niall's light blue Ramones hoodie. I saw her chest puff up and down, and I knew she was holding back tears.

As my attention was on Anna, Harry was just about ready to pull a punch. His fists were constricted and his lips were pursed. I prayed that he wouldn't hurt anyone but my praying just wouldn't help.

Harry ran over to Haley but before he could lay a hand on her, Niall did something I would never imagine he could do; he punched Harry straight in the mouth.

I ran straight over to Harry and stooped down next to him. I looked up at Niall, and gave him a dishonorable glare. I had so many horrible feelings towards him right now; hatred, disbelief, anger... mostly betrayal.

"Niall," Haley's voice whined as she pressed up onto Niall even more. "He almost hit me."

"Harry, you never touch my girlfriend ever again. Or I'll beat the shit out of you." Niall growled, and I heard small whimper come from Anna.

"And you little bitch, what are you sobbing about?" Niall hissed at Anna, causing me to wince. "And I see you have on my hoodie? Where'd you get that from?"

"You?" Anna hissed. I knew she was fighting back.

"Me?" He let a short chuckle. "Give it back, it's mine."

Anna just stood there with her arms crossed and a sly look on her face. Her dirty blonde hair was half curled and it cascaded down her back messily.

"I'll handle this, baby." I heard Haley whisper in Niall's ear. Her skinny legs walked over by Anna and she placed her black pumps firmly in front of her. She stood probably about two inches taller than Anna.

"Listen, give my boyfriend his hoodie back. I'm stronger, bigger, and definitely more gorgeous than you, you little ugly. I can kill you any day." Haley cackled. I inhaled a deep breath as Harry stood next to me holding a wet clothe up to his bloody lip.

"And for you? Don't even think 'bout sticking up for her. You're just as pathetic as her." She turned to me and again, her voice poisoned me.

"We'll you're definitely bigger than me." I heard Anna speak up, eyeing Haley up and down.

"Excuse me? Did you just call me fat?" Haley stepped back and pressed up against Niall's side. Anna nodded and her little mouth dropped.

"Hales, that's enough. I think we've been with these shits a little to long. Let's go." Niall said to Haley, holding her waist.

"Okay baby," She moaned, then turned to Anna. "Remember, my boyfriend wants his hoodie back. Now." Her voice raised.

Sighing, Anna peeled off Niall's hoodie. She walked over to Haley and Niall, hatred and betrayal full in her eyes. She extended her arm to give the jacket back, before Haley snatched it back and pulled it over her tiny body.

I saw Anna's eyes were stuck on Niall's, and Niall's were stuck on hers. For a second I saw sorry fill Niall's dark eyes. But it quickly went away as Haley begged to leave.

The three of us shot Niall and Haley a disgusted look as they walked out the door. We all turned to each other, the feeling of awe striking us.

After about eight seconds, Anna broke out in sobs as she sat on the floor in a foetal position.

"Anna, calm down." I soothed my hurt best friend, as tears streamed down her face. Harry walked over with a box of tissues so I gladly took them and thanked him. He took a seat on the floor with Anna and I and reassured her that he was just drunk and he didn't mean it.

"B-but he said that h-he was leaving the b-band too, r-remember?" She said in between tears. A little lightbulb went off in my head and I turned to Harry.

"Harry, the boys need to know. They got to get Niall too. He's probably drunk driving now, as if I cared right now." I rolled my eyes, and he pulled himself up off the floor. He sat back down because he could hardly talk.

His upper lip was busted open and he had an ice pack pressed against it to stop the swelling.

As Anna cried, I pulled my iPhone out of my hoodie and ran into the bathroom. I closed the door and dialed Zayn's number.

It rang for about four rings then he picked up, his cheerful voice making me cringe. I am going to down his happy mood now.

"Hey Zayn. We got a problem." I bit my upper lip, praying that he wouldn't freak out.

"What," He paused. Shuffling in the background made me curious as to who he was with.

"Who are you with?"

"Liam, Louis and Perrie. Why?" He sounded confused, so I just said the first thing that came to mind.

"Just come over to Anna's flat. I'll explain there." He sighed and I knew he was going to do as told. "It's really important."

"What about Niall," I literally mentally face palmed myself.

"Don't talk to him! Like I said just get over here now!" I yelled and hung up the phone and marched out into the living room. Harry and Anna were now on the couch, and Anna was wrapped tightly up in a fuzzy blanket.

I gently sat down on Harry's lap and wrapped my right arm around his neck. "The boys are on their way. Things are about to get ugly."


A/N: Hey everyone! So I'm pretty happy with this chapter :) I hope you are too!

And you guys get two chapters in one day! Lucky you... ;)

Alright, comment your favorite line in this chapter please and give me feedback!

Love you all my little duckies,

Victoria <3

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