Chapter 2: New York and Shopping

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Daniella's P.O.V:

"ANNA! Get over here! Oh my god! I JIST MET HARRY STYLES!" I screamed jumping into the couch and shaking her uncontrollably.


I just took a deep breath and told her everything. To Rick, right down to our 'goodbyes'. She just sat there with her mouth on the floor.

"I cannot believe this. I cannot believe you just met Harry Styles! I am so happy for you!" She squealed.

"Thanks, and me too. But, ugh. I can't even believe I said 'I love you' to him. He just laughed at me." I slouched down on the couch.

"Oh... my goodness! You... said that! Way to make a good impression Dani!" She said in between laughing fits.

"Oh thanks. That means a lot. But, I don't think he really cared much about me. He didn't do anything really. He's famous and I'm not." I sighed.

"Well, I don't know. We'll see him at that Meet and Greet this summer." She sang in a lovey tone.

"Oh stop. You know he would never remember someone who he just met for a split second months before that. Let's just watch a movie. How about my favorite, The Last Song?" I got up off the white couch and picked up the DVD.

"Okay, my favorite too." She smiled clicking 'start' and we began watching the movie.


"Wow, I just love this movie." I patted my eyes with a tissue. Anna did the same, because we just can't help but cry at The Last Song.

"I think we should go to bed, what time is it anyway?" She turned off the TV and got off the couch. I picked up my phone and pressed the 'home' button.

"It's 10:36. I'm going to bed, night night." I trudged up stairs running my hands through my hair. "Ew, shower for me."

I undressed all my clothes and turned on the hot water and stepped in my big white tiled shower. I shampooed and conditioned, washed and shave and then got out and dried off. Now I feel clean.

I wrapped my towel around my small figure, and opened the door to have a rush of cold air blow on my warm body. I shivered and then went about my business.

I picked out my extra long, lime green pajamas that had white polka dots on them and a white cami. I combed out my waist length hair and jumped in bed, pulling the covers up close to my ears.

I couldn't help but rethink all the memories I shared today. Meeting Harry Styles, him hugging me and actually touching me. I couldn't wait to actually go to the meet and greet and see him again. Maybe he'd remember me.

I looked over at my clock with the red digits lighting up the room, reading 11:22.

'Better go to sleep,' I thought before drifting off to sleep.


I woke up feeling really groggy but perked up when I smelt the scent of homemade pancakes being made by Anna, obviously.

I slowly turned over and placed my feet on the hardwood floor and walked over to the window and opened the curtains revealing the bright sunlight and a sparkling layer of snow on the ground.

Since I had taken a shower last night, my hair had dried so I just had to comb it and then curl or straighten it.

Getting ready for the morning, I used the bathroom, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I turned on the straightener and walked out of my bathroom and to my closet.

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