Chapter 9: Let's Plan For A Birthday

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Harry's P.O.V:

It's been about a week since I saw Daniella at the theatre, and we've literally become best friends. But, not just that kind of best friend, we have shared a lot of memories and I have grown to actually love her.

She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and met, and her personality just makes me smile every single second of the day. She's one of those people who you would want to spend every single moment of the rest of your life with.

So, that's why I want to give her the best birthday in the whole world. I've been planning it out, secretly of course, and everyone but her knows. It's kind of like a surprise party, and she doesn't know where she's going.

"Hey Cher! It's Harry. How've you been?" I said sitting on my bed and playing with a loose thread on my blue t-shirt.

"I'm great! How about you?" She beamed.

"I'm awesome. So, I was calling to ask if you want to come to Daniella's surprise birthday party." I've practically told everyone about Daniella and pretty much the whole world knows about her. Although, we're not dating yet.

"Yeah, I'm actually here in New York for a few more days so I'll be there." I could tell she was smiling over the phone, because every time we talk, she always tells me how much she wants to meet Daniella.

"Okay awesome! It's tomorrow at 7." I told her where it was being held and the details, and then we hung up and I made some last minute calls. I've already invited everyone so far.

A few hours later, I went out in search for the perfect dress for Daniella for the party tomorrow. I kind of had something in mind.

I called out for a taxi, nearly being mobbed into it, and told the driver to go right to Manhattan.

"Thanks, here." I handed the driver the money and hopped out and looked up at the sign. (A/N: I have no idea if this store exists...)

Daria's Dress Studio.

I walked in through the glass doors and got an elevator up to the floor where Daria's office was.

I knocked on the wooden door, and it was opened to see a smiling Daria.

"Harry! I'm so glad your here, come in, come in!" I walked into the huge room and saw the floor to ceiling glass windows and saw the Empire State Building just a few blocks away.

"So, who's the dress for?" She asked me leaning up against her cluttered desk.

"My gir- my friend." I stuttered.

"Okay, and what's the occasion?" She said grabbing a pen and paper.

"A birthday party for her, downtown. She's turning 19." I looked out the window.

She just pulled me out the door and to the elevator. An awkward silence arose and I then heard the 'ding' of the door and we walked out onto a floor surrounded with hundreds of dresses.

She took my arm and leaded me to the first section of dresses, in which none of them suited her.

"What's her favorite color?" She asked picking up a black lace dress and showing me. I shook my head almost giving up.

"Her favorite color is mint green, but she looks the most beautiful in light pink." Daria let out a big 'aww' and leaded me to a small section with short and long dresses that were light pink.

"How about this?" She said holding out a long silky dress with a sparkly band.

"No, I want a short dress." I looked through some more dresses and then picked up a strapless, tiered lace dress that had a lighter pink band around the belly and a line of it around the top.

"This. This is the one, Daria." I turned around and her eyes widened.

"Well, if you want it, you want it." She said taking the dress to the back and putting it in a suit bag.

"Okay, this dress is $525." My eyes widened but, I would do anything for my Ella.

"That's perfectly okay. Ring it up."


"Hey baby girl." I spoke into the phone to Daniella.

"Harry! I can't believe it!"

"Um, believe what?" I better hope no one told her about tomorrow.

"That my birthday is tomorrow. You didn't forget did you, Hazzie Bear." She giggled. I could just picture her fiddling with her fingers and staring out the window out into Times Square.

"How could I forget your birthday, Ella." I said.

"I know you would never forget. I was just wondering."

"So, are you and Anna still going out for dinner together?" I asked needing to know her night. She has to be back by 5:30, if she wants to get ready.

"No, we're going out for lunch together since I was having dinner with you, Hazz." Oh. Great. No! I'd just tell her I'm taking her out somewhere.

"Yeah, I'm taking you out around 6:30. You have to be home to get ready though." That played out well.

"Okie dokie. I'll talk to you later okay?" She said.

"Alright Ella. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone and walked over to the fridge to grab myself a Pepsi.

"Hey Hazza." Niall yelled from the couch.

"Hey Ni!" I sat down next to him and took a sip from my can.

"Ready for the party tomorrow?" Niall asked.

"I think so, I'm pretty sure she'll love it. What do you think?" He looked over at me then back out the window.

"I think she'll love it, yeah. Did you get her a dress yet?" I nodded my head.

"So, how's Anna doing?" Anna and Niall have become just like me and Daniella. Two best friends fell for two other best friends.

"She's amazing. I can't wait to see her again tonight." He beamed, he really loves her. Just like I love Daniella.

"Shouldn't we get to bed? We will all be up super late tomorrow." I said after a half hour conversation about different things.

"Yeah, you've got a big day ahead of you." He patted my back and went up to his room.

"I do have a big day ahead of me, don't I?" I mumbled slipping under the covers.


A/N: sorry :/ short chapter, but next chapter is her birthday! that'll be a long chapter! :)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2012 went by so fast :( but I can't wait to see what 2013 will be like!

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love you all my little duckies...


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