Chapter 15: Management

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Daniella's P.O.V:


Pain was all I felt for the past day.

I tried not to show it to Harry, I mean, I almost died. He'd be totally devastated if I told him how much I hurt.

I'm fine, it's just I was in a head on car crash, no one is perfectly fine after that. I just couldn't help but think of how Harry felt.

He almost lost me, and I almost lost myself.

"Dr Carlson, when will I be out of this hospital?" I asked as she was examining my arm and fingers.

"Hun, at least a week and a half." She answered.

"I also have a question about Anna. When will she be out?" I haven't even talked to Anna at all. I haven't even gotten out of this hospital bed.

"Since she's broken her ankle, she will have to use crutches so I don't exactly know. Maybe the same as you." I just groaned and laid my head back and closed my eyes hoping I'd fall asleep.

Harry's P.O.V:

"Hey man, I better call Daniella. I told her I'd call her today." I said to Niall as I slouched over to grab my phone.

"Same with me, but your only allowed to call the hospital first, remember?" He punched in some numbers but my phone started to beep so I answered it.

"Hello?" I said not knowing the caller.

"Harry, please put this phone call on speaker." Ah shiz. Management.

"Uhm, okay." I pressed the speaker button and I just rolled my eyes as Mr Byrd began to speak.

"Harry and Niall. I need to inform you that you were not present at the interview in New York City yesterday. That was an interview you needed to go to, as you already know!" I just screwed up my face and Niall did the same (A/N: made up the management name guys...).

"But Mr Byrd, both our girlfriends got in a serious car accident and we had to come to Boston to be there for them! You have to understand that!" Niall yelled into the phone.

"That's no exception, you both have a schedule and you need to stick to it. Simple as that. That's why you have to come home tomorrow. Your flight is already booked." I could just feel the heat rising in my body up to my head as my fists clenched like Niall's.

"How could you be so stupid to think we wouldn't come to see our girlfriends when they could be dead! You've got to be kidding?! No idiot would think we are leaving this state, our girlfriends need us!" I yelled, the anger boiling inside of me.

"Mr Styles! You have no right to say that! Of course you want to see your girlfriends but you're in a commitment

with your band and if you can't stick to it, you- you..."


We both just huffed in annoyance, madness and anger. This stupid management doesn't even care.

"I don't what I am going to do. I really just gotta see Daniella." I sighed leaning down on the couch.

"Then let's go see them. Nothing's stopping us." Niall smirked and we left our room and walked right over to the hospital.

"We'd like to see Daniella Forester and Anna Daniels, please." We said to the oh-so familiar receptionist. She nodded so we began to walk to their rooms.

"Knock, knock, knock." I said opening the door and smiling, forgetting the event that just happened.

"Oh, I'm glad you're here. Guess what! Dr Carlson said I could be out of here in a week and a half. That means you won't have to stay here for any longer than that, probably." She beamed, obviously eager to get out of this hospital.

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