Chapter 21: Birthday Wishes

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*Roughly 10 Months Later*

"Happy Birthday Dani!" Anna rushed into my room, waking me up completely.

"Can't I just enjoy my birthday by sleeping in?" I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

"But you're 20 now," Anna sat down on the side of my bed. "The big 2-0."

"Wow, I'm old!" I joked, resting my head on my headboard.

"Please, can you just get up? We're all going out for breakfast soon." I nodded and regretfully got out of bed. My small feet took me to my bathroom, where I closed the door and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My long brown hair fell over my shoulders and my blue eyes seemed to pop. It seemed crazy that I was now 20?

"Mommy, look," A little girl around the age of 6 beamed opening her mouth up and showing the loss of her two front teeth. "My teeth are gone!"

"Yes love, I see!" Her mother helped her up onto her lap, where she played with the ends of her  daughters long brown hair.

"Yes, and do you know what that means?" The mother asked her curious daughter.

"The toothfairy comes tonight!" The little girls bright blue eyes lit up, her mouth wide open, showing the gap in the front of her mouth.

"And lucky for you, you get double the money since you lost double the teeth!' Her mother laughed, as her baby girl squealed in happiness.

"Look at him? He's so hot; I really wish he'd like me." The same girl, maybe around the age of 14 or 15 said to her best friend, tilting her head to the side in lust.

"Maybe he does, I'll go ask him for you." Her best friend coomented, looking back at her now surprised friend.

"No! Stop? You can't do that, you know I'm to shy." The girl pleaded, but her friend just wouldnt give in.

"Nope, I'm off to talk to him for you. I bet he likes you." Her best friend smirked, walking off into the distance, closer and closer towards her crush.

The girl could see her best friends mouth moving, and of course; her crush's. Just thinking of the embarassment that her friend was giving her made her stomach twist. She was always the shy one, and not many guys seemed to like her.

She saw that her crush's gaze was fixed on her, causing her to blush. But, a few seconds later she saw her best friend walking back to her with a proud look on her face, and him right on her trail.

"Hey," The girls crush said, scratching the back on his neck. "Um, I was kinda wondering if, um, you'd like to, uh, be my girlfriend?"

Disbelief. Shock. But happiness was running through the girls mind. But only one word made an escape through her lips;


"Oh my god! They just won third! Can you believe that?" The girl, now about the age of 16, jumped up and down in front of the television, screaming to her best friend.

"They deserve first but I'm still so proud of them. They're amazing and I know they will do amaZayn." Her friend winked, locking eyes with the television that now just pronounced the winners.

"I'm tweeting them congrats. They deserve it! I can't even tell you how much I love them right now, I just want to cry they have come so far." The girl sat back down on her couch, her phone in hand.

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