Susan Part 7

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Remi-portable charger



John: you will not believe what just happened....

bandaid: what??

arlo: woaba boaba was closed???

John: worse...

Sera: wdym mean we had a good time

John: I didn't

John: so we decided to go to the mall instead, no big deal

John: Evie and Sera went straight to the clothing store

John: so I decided to go buy a packet of instant noodles cause why not

John: so I bought it and went to the cashier

arlo: oh no let me guess...

Sera: ???

arlo: Susan??


arlo: I've met her before....

bandaid: who's Susan?

arlo: the worlds most annoying cashier in history

arlo: she does everything but helps you check out

John: Ikr?

John: so anyway, I got the noodles and went to the cashier which was in the CLEANING SUPPLISE section 

John: so she asked If I found everything was okay so I complained about that

John: so she said ' I guess you used your noodle to find it then '

portable charger: lol

John: which was funny but she wasn't checking out my grocery

John: so then she asked if I wanted to tip her

John: and I said no

John: and she ̶b̶e̶g̶g̶e̶d̶ asked how about just one dollar

arlo: she did the same to me too

John: 'I'm sure you won't miss one dollar, atleast  4 quarters or 20 nickles '

John: I said no thank you and she asked me if I wanted to sign up for a magazine which was only costs 4 dollars

John: so again I said no

John: and then she asked if I wanted to buy 2 for 2 dollars of 3 for 2.50

John: so I asked if I could see her manager

John: and then-

arlo: I know what's coming up.....

John: I heard boss music in the distance..... 

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