riddles Part 15

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Isen-o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡:


Remi-portable charger

Evie-meme master


private messaging with viewer and author chan

( private ) author chan: let's just erase their memories of me ever existing hehehe

o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: quit bullying meh! I'm just a bit slow today okay ;-;

bandaid: I have a good riddle! Want to hear it?

Roland: sure!

bandaid: I made this riddle up!

( private ) author chan: actually it was me but okay

bandaid: I am equivelent to nothing and if people eat me they die, who am I?

Sera: oof this is a good one

Goku: hmmmm

o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: I'm just not even going to try

o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: oh wait I think I have the answer

portable charger: totally not searching up what will kill you if you eat it :D

Goku: " really? me neither " :D

private messaging with bandaid and o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡:

( private ) o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: poison?

( private ) bandaid: poison isn't equivelent to nothing

( private ) o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: yes it is! Because it's useless 

( private ) bandaid: Poisons are now used as pesticides, disinfectants, cleaning solutions, and preservatives. Nonetheless, poison continues to be used as a hunting tool in remote parts of developing countries, including Africa, South America, and Asia

( private ) o͡͡͡͡͡͡╮༼;'༎ຶ.̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨̨̨̨̨̨̨.̸̸̨̨۝ ༎ຶ༽╭o͡͡͡͡͡͡: okay fine

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