Chapter 2

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As Crimson began to stalk over to Midnight, who was cowering in the corner, Maxwell grabbed the back of Crimson's jacket and lifted her off the ground.

"Let go!" Crimson hissed.

"Keep that freaking--" Midnight suddenly began to speak in a language Maxwell had never heard. "--AWAY!"

"... What?" Maxwell said as he pulled a box out of his pocket. The box was around the size of a cigar box. Maxwell attempted to shove Crimson in the box, but she struggled. Midnight continued shouting at Maxwell in a language he didn't understand. Somehow, Maxwell was correctly shoving Crimson into the box. Before long, he managed to close the box with Crimson inside. Midnight kept shouting at Maxwell in the language. "I caught a thing!" Maxwell said triumphantly. Midnight was clearly upset, as she kept talking in the strange language. Maxwell locked the box with Enth metal locks. "Okay, I'm pretty sure Crimson can't get out." Maxwell then noticed the silence that followed his words. He turned to Midnight, who had finally shut up, to find her glaring at him with her arms crossed. "What? Do you not want Crimson in the box?" He asked. Midnight replied in the strange language again, pointing to the box. "Um... Okay?" He slid the box over to Midnight. He had thought she was asking for the box. "Why are you talking like that? Jump once for 'something is making me talk in this language.'" Midnight stared at him in confusion. She apparently didn't know she was speaking in an unknown language. "Um... You do know you're talking in a different language, right?" Maxwell asked. Midnight blinked in confusion. Maxwell realized at this point there was only one way to get through to Midnight.

'Can you understand me?' Maxwell used sign language in hope that Midnight knew it. She nodded.

'You're speaking in a weird language and I don't understand you' Maxwell signed to her. Midnight dramatically rolled her eyes.

'Sorry, I didn't think I was able to talk in the language anymore...' She signed back. 'I should be able to talk in English again soon.'

'Okay good'

"Okay, wow... sorry," Midnight spoke in English, but still slightly signing. "That only happens once every forty or so years, it happens at the worst times..."

"Well," Maxwell said. "Now we have a demon in a box. Yay!"

"Yeah, about that..." Midnight rubbed the back of her neck. "I kind of have to get the necklace... so I have to let her out, and put her back in my head..." Maxwell reached far into his pocket and pulled out a miniature portal gun.

"Or we could use this," Maxwell suggested. Midnight's eyes lit up as she screamed internally.

"What? How could we use that?" Midnight asked with several squeaks in her voice. Maxwell quickly opened the box, shot a tiny portal into the box, and closed it before Crimson could escape. Midnight stared in confusion and admiration. "... I hope you know that my necklace is a rare kind of metal, it's almost like Enth metal..." Midnight had meant for her comment to be helpful, as in that Crimson was probably attached to the necklace in some way, but Maxwell wasn't listening to her. He shot a portal on the floor and reached into the box, grabbed the necklace, and closed the portal before Crimson could escape. Midnight bit her bottom lip. Her fang dug slightly into her skin, and she flinched at the taste of her own blood. She muttered something in that language she was stuck in earlier.

"Here," Maxwell handed Midnight back her necklace. Midnight wiped the small spot of blood forming beside her lip and grabbed the necklace and reclasped it around her neck. The second it was reclasped, the heart charm began flashing in between red and black as if two were fighting to be in control. "You okay?" Maxwell cocked his head slightly.

What's Out There? Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن