Chapter 11

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"COME ON!" Blood Ruby rounded a corner. Maxwell dug out his gun and was close behind her... until he tripped on a rock. He looked up to see Blood Ruby tackle Doctor Strike, but let Johnson get away with Midnight through a multiverse portal. Maxwell got up and managed to jump through the portal before it closed. He rolled in and saw Johnson open a new portal and close it before he could get through.

"DANG IT!" Maxwell shouted. He checked around where Johnson's portal was when he remembered Johnson mentioning that his gun was faulty. And that he had a portal gun of his own. So logically, it should be easy to track him, and when Maxwell attempted to track them, he found them fast. Johnson was on the roof. He also found the heat signals of everyone in the building. There was another body moving up towards the roof. Maxwell teleported to the roof to find Johnson standing alone, a grin creeping on his face. "Where's Midnight?"

"She's...busy," Johnson chuckled.

Maxwell whipped out a butterfly knife and pointed it to Johnson, "Where is she?" Johnson moved his gun into view, but Maxwell didn't care.

"I told you, she's busy."

"With what?"

"Doctor Strike needs her assistance. I'm just here to stop you and the general."

"How are you gonna do that?"

"Not sure honestly. Out of anybody, Doctor Strike chose me. I'm just the smartest, not the strongest," Johnson taunted.

"... must... resist..." Maxwell muttered. He wanted to see if Johnson could match wits, but only if it was offered. He really wanted to play.

"I'm the smartest because the others are idiots, I'm not really that smart."

"Oh, okay," Maxwell said disappointedly, putting away the goblets and poison he had set out. Johnson opened his mouth to start monologuing when part of the ground dissolved and Blood Ruby climbed out of the rubble. "Wait, one quick question, why is Midnight working with Doctor Strike?"

"To be honest, I have no idea, she said she just needed her," Johnson shrugged.

"Idiots! You haven't figured out what Doctor Strike is doing?!" Blood Ruby groaned.

"Well, I wasn't paying attention," Maxwell said.

"Doctor Strike didn't listen to you before and is continuing to steal her magic to power something!" Blood Ruby facepalmed. "Gah, is it that hard to figure out?"

"So, where are they?"

"Her newer lab. She somehow fixed the machine that she was in earlier today."

"That's what she's doing?" Johnson asked. "Huh. she didn't tell me."

Maxwell teleported to the new lab, the lab he was in before. He teleported to the same room he was in before, or really, what was left of the room. Maxwell left and went down the hall to the lab. Doctor Strike hadn't even cleaned up. That slob; there was still glass everywhere, and yet she'd had the time to put up a whole new glass tube and get a blindfold and some sort of cuffs to avoid another 'ripping the wires out of the ceiling' thing again. "Hey."

Midnight tried to figure out where his voice was coming from "Maxwell?"

"Yep, I'm here to get you out."

"Yes! Please!" Midnight cheered. Doctor Strike entered the room from a new entrance, her goggles on her forehead exposing her damaged blind eye.

"I'm afraid that won't be happening," she smirked. Maxwell pulled a fire ax out of his pocket. A fire ax, not being an ax that's on fire or had magic fire powers, a fire ax being an ax used by firemen to chop down doors and stuff. "You think I'm scared of that?" She scoffed.

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