Chapter 3

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"EVERYBODY! HEY, EVERYBODY!" Maxwell shouted, gathering the closest soldiers in front of Ruby's office. She quickly ran out when she saw Maxwell. Midnight peeked over the desk to see what was going on.

"Maxwell! What are you doing?!" Ruby demanded.

"This!" Maxwell said as he flipped a switch on his medi-gun, which shot out multiple beams. Each beam hit a soldier, making them glow bright red. Maxwell and Ruby led the soldiers to the front lines. "FIGHT!!!" Maxwell cried. At that point, Ruby's army began obliterating Doctor Strike's soldiers. Ruby watched her team in awe, as did Midnight from the window of Ruby's office. Until she had to duck for cover because of a stray rocket that came crashing through the window. Maxwell reached deep into his pocket and pulled out the first two weapons he could find, which were a bone saw and a syringe gun. These'll do. Maxwell's smile only grew larger and slightly more insane with every soldier he took down. Ruby's AK47 was lighting up and taking down enemy soldiers left and right.

Midnight realized the rocket hadn't exploded yet. She looked at it from a distance, only to realize it had a motion sensor which had detected her. She brought up a cyan shield when the rocket exploded, which protected her from any harm, but gave Doctor Strike a look at her magic levels. Doctor Strike decided to send in a quick portal to Midnight.

And as quickly as the wave started, it ended.

"The wave is over! JOHNSON!" Ruby called out. Johnson swiftly ran out.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Status report. How many families will we have to write to?"

"None, actually."

"That's a first..." Ruby muttered. She noticed Maxwell calming down a bit. As she looked around, she noticed the damage to her office and sent Johnson to retrieve Midnight.

"Well, that was fun!" Maxwell sighed, dusting off his coat. Johnson returned to Ruby, but Midnight was nowhere in sight.

"Uh... General?" Johnson grabbed her shoulder and before Ruby could respond, he whispered to her. Ruby's eye turned fully black.

"Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap," Ruby kept repeating.

"What's wrong?" Maxwell asked. Johnson noticed how antsy he was.

"Nothing," Ruby and Johnson said in unison. "Nope, nothing at all," Ruby continued. Maxwell frowned at her bad attempt at lying.

"C'mon, you can tell me! I'm your Medic!" Maxwell looked at the two of them. Ruby grabbed her gun and turned to head to her office, muttering something to Johnson.

"That...Chick you came with..." Johnson hesitated. "we can't find her..."

"Okay, do we have any clues as to where she went?" Maxwell slipped the bone saw and syringe gun back into his pocket.

"No, that's one thing about Doctor Strike... somehow she doesn't leave anything behind..."

"In that case-" Maxwell turned and booked it in the direction of the multiverse portal that let the wave in. Johnson used a teleport gun to teleport in front of him.

"You clearly don't understand... she has a ton of bases in different universes," He explained gently.

"I'LL CHECK THEM ALL!!!" Maxwell exclaimed. He knew he tended to get hyper in this sort of situation.

"We've never found a soldier taken by Doctor Strike," Johnson sighed. "The General found her way back but she is the only one who made it back..." He looked up to see Maxwell jump out of a portal.

What's Out There? Part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora