Chapter 16

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"Okay... are you a dream?" Maxwell asked. The Professor had told him that this Midnight was a dream, so he had to check.

"What? No. Johnson drugged the air and got away," Midnight explained. Maxwell put the pieces together and realized which world was real.

"Well, let's find Johnson and kill him."

"Oh, okay..." Midnight sighed. Maxwell pulled a tank of gasoline from his lab coat and started dousing the lab in gas. "Uhh... He teleported out."

"I'm still burning this place to the ground," Maxwell growled. By doing so, he wouldn't have a place to come back to.

"Okay..." Midnight began picking at the cuff Maxwell had put on her arm while he finished up emptying the tank.

"Okay, let's get out of here," Maxwell said, walking out. Midnight was close behind him. They both hopped out the window just as the lab burst into flames. They backed away and watched the lab burn to the ground. Midnight watched with great interest.

"OH COME ON GUYS!" Midnight and Maxwell turned to see who had shouted that, and it was none other than Johnson. He was standing on the other side of Midnight. Maxwell reached into his pocket, grabbed his gun, and shot Johnson in the arm. "Ack! Shit!" Johnson pressed against the wound to stop the bleeding.

"When did you get here?" Midnight backed away from him.

"I'm guessing a sad story isn't gonna save me this time?"

"Nope," Maxwell replied, shooting Johnson in the knee. Johnson lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"Understandable, I wouldn't listen to me either," Johnson grinned.

"Any last words?" Maxwell aimed the gun towards Johnson's smirking face.

"Hold on Maxwell..." Midnight, in an act of kindness, put her hand on the gun and pushed it down.

"What?" Maxwell groaned.

"Why should we kill him..." She trailed off.

Maxwell facepalmed. "Have you been paying any attention?!"

"You didn't let me finish," She glared at him. "I was going to say, why should we kill him... when we could do so much worse."

"What?" Johnson butted in.

"Oh, okay." Maxwell stepped back to let Midnight take over. Midnight's necklace turned ash gray, along with the streak in her hair. Midnight's crystal blues eyes turned jet black, her irises and pupils turned white. Her hands erupted in bright red flames.

"Oh yeah," Moon chuckled. "This is more like it. Now... Where is he—" She turned to Johnson, who started scooting back best he could. "There you are."

Maxwell stood back and was enjoying some nice pocket popcorn, ready to watch Moon beat the crap out of Johnson. "Wait," Johnson pleaded. "Could we please talk about this, I can explain!"

"There's nowhere to hide now, pretty boy," Moon hissed.

"No, we will not discuss this further," Maxwell answered Johnson. He noticed Moon's pace was strangely slow. She looked oddly tired. Johnson stopped retreating. Maxwell got suspicious, so he stabbed Johnson's good leg to make sure he didn't get away while he was dealing with Moon.

" I so—" Moon started. She turned back into Midnight and opened an orange portal under Johnson and he fell in. It closed before Maxwell could get to him and Midnight fell to her knees.

"Why did you do that and what's wrong? Is your necklace messed up again?" Maxwell asked, picking up on the unusual magic color and abnormal tiredness.

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