Chapter 6

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It didn't take long for Crimson to be right in front of the door. Maxwell quickly ran over to Crimson and threw her across the room, away from where Johnson was. Maxwell stole a glance into the room, only to find it empty. Crimson attempted to jump at Maxwell but Moon intercepted, and they continued fighting. Maxwell searched the room.

"Oh no," Maxwell muttered, realizing Johnson and Doctor Strike were gone. As the fight started to die down, Maxwell began looking for ion residue. He then noticed the building was silent; they had finally stopped fighting, apart from one last yelp of pain and surprise from what seemed to be Midnight's voice.

"MAXWELL!" Blood Ruby shouted.

"Yes?" He replied.

"GET IN HERE NOW!" Maxwell stood up, not finding any residue, and headed towards Ruby's voice. He followed the path of destruction and eventually found Ruby in a half-destroyed room with Midnight passed out on the floor.

"Crimson somehow dragged Moon out of me and stole Midnight's necklace to create something worse we have to deal with." She looked behind Maxwell, looking for something. "Where's Johnson?"

"No idea, but what's worse we have to deal with?" Maxwell inquired.

"Crimson has control over Moon... and I don't know where they went."

"Well, shit."

"No kidding," Ruby agreed. Midnight stirred and slowly rose.

"Ugh, my everything hurts..." Midnight groaned.

"Good morning," Maxwell said, despite no one knowing the actual time of day.

"It's morning? How long did Crimson have control?" Midnight asked, panicked.

"Long enough," Ruby scoffed.


"...Funny story..." The trio heard crashing in another room. Maxwell grabbed his shotgun and decided to go check it out. As he began, he saw a wall panel close, as if it was a door. Maxwell jumped through before it was fully shut. He looked around to see someone turn the corner, so he followed him. Whoever he was following noticed he was there and began running faster. Maxwell kept a safe but close distance behind until the person left through another panel. Maxwell used a device to turn invisible and continued his following.

Johnson knew Maxwell was following him, despite Maxwell being invisible. He led Maxwell to a hidden room in the walls, covered in old writing and stained panels. Maxwell realized he'd been following Johnson and decloaked himself.

"Did you lose Doctor Strike?" Maxwell asked.

"No, I'm looking for something," Johnson replied, digging through a box.


"I just know what it looks like, not exactly what it is..."

"What does it look like?" Maxwell began scanning the room for possible objects Johnson could be looking for. Johnson dug to the very bottom of the box and pulled out a dangerous looking gun.

"Found it," he exclaimed, dusting it off. "Where are the girls?"

"Back in the main area."

"Have they stopped fighting yet?" Johnson returned to the wall panel and walked through, Maxwell close behind him.

"They might be, I followed you right when everyone was getting mad again." Maxwell watched Johnson mull it over for a moment then fully register it.

"Oh. Well then..." He grunted, opening another panel. "As long as they don't kill each other."

"So, where are we going?"

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