Chapter 18

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Maxwell jumped out the opposite portal and found himself in... a terrible-looking universe. The sky was light pink, the grass was baby blue, the air smelled fresh. The only reasonable way to describe it was as if the 1970s and the 1980s threw up on the 1990's fever dream. It didn't take Maxwell long to find Johnson, as he was the only dull color among the radical range in front of him. He had a head start, so Maxwell ran after him. It wasn't long before Maxwell caught up, because of Johnson's injured leg. Once caught up, Maxwell grabbed the collar of his shirt and looked him dead in the eye.

"You'd better hope hell isn't real," Maxwell growled.

"If it is, I'll see you there," Johnson retorted.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" A new voice chimed in. The two looked over and noticed a flamboyant woman. She looked suspiciously like Midnight, but she wore a brightly colored snapback cap, sunglasses with 'YOLO' across the lens in neon letters, and a baggy blue and purple jacket with the water cup logo from the 90's on it (you know which one I'm talking about). Her curly black hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, apart from a few curls dyed bright neon colors. "What's the problem here?" She asked in a thick Jersey accent.

"This guy has repeatedly tried to kill me and my friend," Maxwell explained.

"Bruhhhhhh. That's not poggers, what did he do to ya?" She looked at Johnson, who cringed.

"Oh no, not this place..." Johnson regretted the past ten minutes of his life.

"Sorry, I'm having a little trouble understanding your accent," Maxwell replied.

"I get that a lot, I'm like the only one in this universe with this accent. I would know, I checked. Anyway, you," she pointed at Johnson, "need to chillax." Then she pointed to Maxwell. "You do too. Both of you need to chillax. Trust me broski, it's dope."

"I legitimately can't do that," Maxwell stated.

"Really? That's oddballs." She looked perplexed. Maxwell realized the words on her glasses had changed from 'YOLO' to '????'.

"Nice glasses."

"Thanks. If I could take them off, I would. I hate them, but I've got to keep up with everybody." She laughed. Johnson began messing with a watch that he didn't have before since Maxwell wasn't paying attention to him. Maxwell threw him on the ground and shot him in the knee, not sure how he was even running away before. "WHOA! Dude! No need for guns! Just, put away the gun, bruh!"

"I think you should listen to her," Johnson agreed.

"Don't worry, that was my last bullet." Maxwell tossed his gun off to the side. Johnson let out a sigh of relief.

"I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Midnight."

"Nice to meet another you," Maxwell said without thinking.

"Another? What do you mean 'another?'" she asked, absolutely confused.

"The people here are better off shielded from that possibility," Johnson whispered loud enough for Maxwell to hear. Maxwell did the best thing to do when you've said something you shouldn't have.

"I think it means I'm a bit too drunk," Maxwell said, before falling flat on his face, pretending to pass out to sell the bit.

"Okay then. That's the norm here I guess, somebody passing out." She giggled nervously. Johnson waited a moment to see how committed Maxwell was to his role before slowly rising to his feet, and despite being shot in the legs at least three times, he stood.

Apparently, Johnson didn't wait long enough. When he got to his feet, Maxwell stood up and shot him in the leg three more times with his spare gun. "I lied, I had more ammo." He smirked at Johnson before spraying Midnight with sleeping gas. She passed out immediately, and Maxwell caught her and placed her gently on the ground.

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