Chapter 7

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After a solid hour, he finally found her. This double demon radiated danger to a normal person, with scattered scars, one causing her to be blind in one eye, and massive black and red wings. Maxwell quietly entered the room on her blind side and threw on his invisibility cloak. She was mumbling to herself, so Maxwell approached carefully to listen.

"Gah, why are you such an idiot?" A raspy feminine voice hissed. Maxwell was able to distinguish that the voice was Crimson's.

"Me?!" Moon's whiney voice cried. Maxwell backed away to avoid getting noticed. "What about you?!"

"I'm not. You are, we both just act on thoughts. So just...Let me keep control, Okay?" Crimson attempted to reason.

"No! you're going to kill everybody!"

"That's the point!" Crimson's temper only rose. Maxwell slowly walked around to the other side of the room, but Moon's sense of hearing kicked in.

"There's someone in here," she said.

"Impossible! Nobody came in," Crimson caused the body to look around.

"Who's the idiot noooooow? There is somebody in here. Whoever is in here, they need to run," Moon suggested. Maxwell closed the door next to him and backed away from it to make it seem like he left. "What did I tell you?" Moon sneered.

"Why did I even fuse with you?" Crimson growled.

"It's because I'M CRAZY POWERFUL! And you were getting tired of Midsy. And I somehow convinced you." Moon's pride had never been clearer. Maxwell decided it was time to have some fun with them.

"One of you is dumber than the other," Maxwell said in the strangest voice he could manage.

"There is somebody still in here!" Crimson barked. The Double demon rose off the ground and began frantically looking around.

"And they roasted you!" Moon cackled. Maxwell hadn't seen an argument of two voices coming from the same body before but he found it rather amusing. Until the door was kicked in by a panicked Blood Ruby. Maxwell waited for the chaos to calm down before he caused more.

"STOP IT!" Ruby had the double demon by the collar of their ripped white shirt.

"Where did you come from?!" Moon asked.

"I couldn't take Midnight anymore, I'd much rather deal with you." Ruby seemed to be pleading to the demon. Crimson growled and ended the chaos faster than Maxwell expected and threw Blood Ruby through the wall.

"Also, one of you is better at painting," Maxwell said, still using the silly voice.

"I've never even painted," Moon muttered.

"And, one of you is better looking."

"Okay, you've had your fun, boy, now come out..." Crimson snarled.

"Yeah, but they clearly meant me with that last one. I'm the only one who can have a physical form, you're just a leech." Moon's cocky attitude took over just to flip the small amount of hair she had to create a dramatic effect. Maxwell deemed it safe to get closer and slapped them.

"There you are," Crimson had snagged his arm. Invisibility went down and she was holding a mannequin's arm.

"Sorry, I was starting to get bored," Maxwell chuckled, forgetting the voice.

"What the hell?" Crimson threw the arm on the ground.

"You know, you should leave," Moon suggested.

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