Chapter 17

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“Okay, it should be good now.” Maxwell tossed the necklace to Midnight. Midnight stumbled to catch it, then placed it on the table.
“I've got to use magic to fix it, or it won't work,” she mumbled, her hands glowing a dull cyan.
“Are you going to be able to do it?”
“I don't know. I've got to try though.” Midnight’s breathing was heavy. But given the current situation and the fact that if she really was able to fix it with no trouble it would make this a really boring story, she looked as if she wouldn’t be able to. A crash outside the lab caught Maxwell’s attention; he left to check. Absolutely nothing… apart from a small scrap of paper on the ground. He picked it up and read it:
‘I’ve had enough of you two together-’
“Maxwell?” Midnight called. He took a moment, but he heard some glass break and another crash, so he slipped the scrap in his pocket and returned to where he'd left Midnight.
“Yes?’ He asked.
“What was that noise? And what was the crash outside?”
“Not sure about the noise, but I think Johnson is back,” Maxwell answered nonchalantly and tossed Midnight a small bottle of magic booster. “Use this if you're too weak.”
“What? Johnson?!” She sounded alarmed, but her stance and face did not change. She stared at her faintly glowing hands, looking slightly distraught. "Hit me," Midnight said abruptly. "My magic needs a jump start."
Maxwell trusted her judgment and so he did as he was told. He smacked her unbelievably hard. She rubbed her cheek and made sure she wasn't bleeding, then turned her attention to her magic. Barely brighter, also a slightly different color tone, it was hard to tell what color it was exactly.
"Ugh, this'll have to do," she groaned. "Again, you might want to look away." Maxwell did as he was told again and turned around. He could see the bright light from behind him and could sense the heat. But it wasn't as bright or as strong as the first, and it seemed as if it got cut off short.
"Did it work?" He asked.
"You… can see for yourself…" Midnight's voice quivered. Maxwell turned back to her, finding the necklace to be perfectly fine, but there was a silver glint a bit further up. A knife. And just as Maxwell predicted, Johnson returned to join the fun.
Maxwell stopped and stared at him. "Why'd you come back?" Upon further inspection, Johnson was in pretty rough shape. New scars all over his skin, including one over his eye, dirty messy hair, almost as if he had been gone for years.
"I mostly came back for her. I've just had enough of you two together. You're dangerous, she's dangerous. Too much danger toge—" Johnson's sentence was interrupted by his knife being ripped from his hand. It was now attached to a magnet that Maxwell held. Johnson snickered, pulling a gun from his pocket and pointing it against Midnight's head. "Nice try." Maxwell began walking towards the two, Johnson leading Midnight backward as Maxwell grew closer.
Maxwell drew his gun and aimed for Johnson. "Let her go."
Johnson laughed. "Do you really think I'm just going to let her go? After coming this far to come get her?"
"Why do you want her dead?"
“Because—” Johnson began, but the door to the lab blew up and on the other side was a very angry Doctor Strike.
“There you are!” She gestured to Johnson with her fairly large gun. Her multiverse gun hand was still missing since Johnson had it. Her goggles were cracked and she looked almost as disastrous as Johnson.
“Oh shit—” Johnson said, before shouting in pain. Maxwell had shot him in the leg. Irritated and in pain, Johnson pushed Midnight to the ground and shot her in the mid-back. She yelped and just stayed where she was. Johnson aimed his gun back to Midnight's head. "Nobody. Move," he commanded through his teeth. He still stood, despite having been shot in the leg. Maxwell dropped a small bottle. Johnson hadn't noticed, so he kicked it towards Midnight. It was a small bottle of healing liquid. Midnight slowly grabbed it and slid it into her pocket before Johnson noticed. "Alright," he sighed. "One wrong move and I'll kill her."
"Uh—" Midnight turned to face Johnson. "I'm not sure if—" she froze, as the gun was aimed for the center of her forehead. Maxwell slid his gun back in his pocket and pulled out a small remote, his fingers away from the buttons.
"One. Wrong. Move," Johnson warned him, noticing the remote, but missing Midnight's split burst of orange magic. Doctor Strike vanished from the room due to Midnight opening a portal under her.
"Tell me, Johnson, what do you do when you're about to lose at chess?"  Maxwell asked spontaneously.
"You tip over your king."
"Or," Maxwell smirked, "you flip the board.” He pressed the big red button on the remote he had. The gravity in the room reversed, which was a bad thing considering the room was a very tall room. Johnson, surprised by the sudden change in gravity, dropped his gun and went for Doctor Strike's multiverse gun. He got a hold of it and shot a portal right above him, but unfortunately, a super aerodynamic chair found its way to the portal and blocked it before he was there.
"... This plot is getting out of control…" Johnson stated. Midnight had summoned her wings and was flying around the reversed room. Johnson attempted to open another portal; the portal didn't open because, as it says here in the big book o' rules, 'There shall be no multiverse travel within 30 minutes of the 4th wall being broken, cracked, destroyed, or altered in any way…'
As Johnson was making his plan for his next move, he was also dodging bullets because Maxwell was shooting at him. Right before he reached the ceiling Johnson kicked the aerodynamic chair out of the way and fell right through the portal, despite the rule. Maxwell finally hit the ceiling and ran in after him.

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