Chapter 4

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"Yay!" Midnight cheered with Maxwell. Doctor Strike was frantically trying to set up her defenses. Maxwell watched her, wondering if this was really the horrible enemy that Ruby made her out to be. "Dang, I just got dizzy..." Midnight had wriggled her arm free from the wire, leaving a few scratches, and brought it to her head.

"What? You're...dizzy?" Doctor Strike stopped everything she was doing and stared at Midnight. Maxwell's attention stayed with Doctor Strike.

"What's wrong with getting dizzy?" Maxwell asked.

"Turn left!" Doctor Strike shouted. As Midnight unwillingly obeyed, Doctor Strike laughed in disbelief. "It worked! Tell me a fact about Transfusions!"

"Fact: Transfusions have so much energy flowing through them one way they get rid of it is by crying," Midnight said. Blood Ruby and Johnson kicked down the door just in time to hear Midnight finish.

"We're too late!" Johnson cried. Doctor Strike cackled at the sight of the two.

"Why?" Maxwell looked around the room at everyone.

"She's--" Ruby began.

"Under my control! Welcome to the war, Midnight Strike!" Doctor Strike smirked.

"What?" Midnight said, with horror in her voice.

"How about no?" Maxwell suggested. Doctor Strike only laughed at the suggestion. "Well, you brought me to this," Maxwell reached deep into his pocket and pulled out a small, high tech pistol.

"What's that?"

"A reality shatterer."

"What are you going to do? Destroy my universe?" Doctor Strike had her fair share of laughs that day, and this comment didn't put a stop to them.

"Along with us?" Ruby growled.

"Oh no, this is just where I hid the code word," Maxwell opened up the gun and removed a small piece of paper, and began scanning over it. Midnight used her free hand to start picking at the wires on her face, but every time she touched one, she winced in pain. "Let's see... Strike, Midnight... ah, here it is."

"Hm?" Midnight turned toward him. Ruby saw a chance to take out Doctor strike, and she took it. But, unfortunately, Doctor strike was expecting her to take it, so the two quickly began full-on brawling in the middle of the lab. Johnson walked over to Midnight and attempted to get the wires off her.

"Okay, if you guys don't get Midnight out of this in the next 10 seconds, I'm using this," Maxwell shouted over the brawl. Doctor Strike glared at him, whipped out a comically large hammer and smashed the control panel, then turned to hit Ruby with it. The remaining wire discharged and released Midnight, who fell into Johnson's arms. She looked up to him and smiled awkwardly, and was returned with the same smile. "Well then, I won't need this," Maxwell neatly folded up the paper and returned it in the gun. Johnson carried Midnight over to where he saw an intact medkit and began bandaging up Midnight's injured arms. Maxwell grew tired of the brawl, so he placed the gun back in his pocket and removed a revolver, and somehow managed to shoot Doctor Strike.

"Oh gosh," Midnight gasped, jumping at the sound. Johnson attempted to calm her down, but she stared at Maxwell with great horror in her eyes. Maxwell watched Doctor Strike hit the floor.

"Okay, we all good here?" Maxwell slipped his revolver back into his pocket. Doctor Strike was, surprisingly, still alive. She rolled over onto her back and coughed something in the language that apparently only she and Midnight understood. Midnight's eyes dilated and she jumped up, pushing away Johnson, ran to a table, grabbed something, and brought it to Doctor Strike. "What's that?" he asked. Doctor Strike smiled and revealed a syringe and said a command in the language again. Midnight's eyes dilated again, she grabbed Doctor Strike's arm.

What's Out There? Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora