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A/n : Please prepare your eyes😁. It's really long chapter(i really tried to make 7.000 words, but failed:") and please read as comfortable as you want:😊

Author's POV

Moon Jo felt the bed beside him, when he didn't feel Jong Woo on the bed, he opened his eyes.

He was now fully conscious. Worriedly looking into the room, but doesn't find Jong Woo's presence. He checked the clock, it's five to six. When he got out of the bed, the door finally opened and reveal Jong Woo who seem very exhausted.

"Are you okay?" Moon Jo worriedly walk closer to Jong Woo, checking Jong Woo's face that seem pale.

"I'm okay. Why did you wake so early?"

Moon Jo didn't answer Jong Woo's question. He stare at Jong Woo for a moment while placing his hand on Jong Woo's forehead, checking if he has a fever.

"Your forehead is not hot, but why does your face looks pale?"

"I'm just tired"

Moon Jo sigh and looks Jong Woo in the eyes, he know if Jong Woo is a little sick, and he know after a few hours, he will get a fever.

"Do you want to be absent today?"

"Huh, why should i?, I'm not sick"

"Yesterday you just passed out, you can't bring yourself to go to school with your condition"

"I am fine. Don't worry about me. The proof is i can jogging, right?" Jong Woo forced his smile, and of course Moon Jo knew it.

"Jong Woo... don't act like you're okay. Your body needs rest. I know you are back this soon because you feel tired from your usual schedule"

Yes, Moon Jo knows Jong Woo's jogging schedule―he always pays attention to Jong Woo. He always comes home at half past six or seven o'clock, which Jong Woo tells him he tooks far rute for a jogging. And seeing Jong Woo back at this early morning worried him.


"Jong Woo, listen to me, okay. Don't push yourself, you will pass out again"

"Moon Jo, don't worry. I am fine. I'll take a break in class if you want me to. So, Let me go to school, okay?"

"Jong Woo..."

"Moon Jo, I'm still as fit as ever―well, maybe not like before, but I can go to school today"

"You don't know"

Jong Woo raised his eyebrows.

"I'm really worried about you"

Jong Woo felt his eyes almost pop out at what Moon Jo said and his tone― which looked soft and worried, but seemed to tease him.

"Don't talk nonsense!. Come on, we need to take a shower now"

Jong Woo walked to the bathroom. Moon Jo blinked and grinned.

"You mean... you want us to shower together?"

Jong Woo stopped at the bathroom door. He turned his head and looked at Moon Jo in annoyance.

"If you think I can't hit you because I'm not fit as usual, you are wrong!"

Moon Jo smiled and walked over to Jong Woo, making Jong Woo turn around to face Moon Jo.

"I don't have such thoughts ... it's just that ... you said it yourself, so I checked whether it was true or not." Moon Jo used his seductive smile.

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