CHAPTER 18 (Part 2)

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A/n : Please prepare your eyes, and so ekhem... i will add 🔞... JUST A LITTLE SCENE, I'M SURE YOU DON'T FEEL IT TOO, bcs I just want to make some hint for the future ch👉👈, so don't expect anything✌.

Author's POV

It's been a few days since Jong Woo's leg injury incident. Jong Woo reminded Moon Jo many times not to blame anyone, because it was purely his own fault. Moon Jo of course just nodded and smiled, but that smile was only in front of Jong Woo. Because every time he arrives at school and sees Hyungsik, his expression immediately changes 180 degrees. Likewise with Hyungsik, his gaze is as sharp as Moon Jo's. Even their tension was so heavy that their friends could feel the hatred they felt for each other.

If groups are made to work on an assignment, the teachers never puts them together, and when a random number accidentally places them in a group, the teacher will rearrange the group again. There was so much hatred between them that it felt like their friends just wanted to keep them apart in different rooms.

Gong Yoo who saw all that became annoyed. He really regretted telling Moon Jo―no, coding him, who was Jong Woo's opponent that day. But he really didn't expect them to hate each other to this extent. Gong Yoo is sure that even if he doesn't tell Moon Jo, Moon Jo will still know that Hyungsik was Jong Woo's opponent that day and the two will still hate each other.

Gong Yoo hopes Jong Woo returns to school as soon as possible, but the last time he met Jong Woo was at Moon Jo's house—yes, Gong Yoo didn't see it wrong, he didn't know why Jong Woo had to be at Moon Jo's house. Jong Woo is still recovering, certainly better than the day he got the injury. Gong Yoo was sure that if Jong Woo found out his two friends were enemies just because of him, Jong Woo would definitely—.


Gong Yoo has a great idea!. He then created a group chat for all his male classmates except Moon Jo and Hyungsik. There, he wanted to make plans with his friends.

{Gong Yoo created a group chat "Make Our Friends Become Friends Again!"}

Friends 1
Fuck!, what the hell is this group?!

Friends 4
So... why was I invited to this group?

Friends 30
Who on earth invite me to another fucking group!!

Friends 22
Again???, I already have a lotttttt of group chats, can you leave me alone?

Friends 5
Heyy!, I never got the chance to be invited to the group chat!. Girls say I'm noisy so they don't invite me, not even our group class :/. Thanks everyone who gave me every information from group class!!(/¬ ͜   ¬)/

Friends 15
I never understood people who like to create new group chats, like— do they have no activity or what???

Friends 21
I've had enough of this shit!. I'M LEFT!!

[Friends 21 left chat]

[Gong Yoo invites Friends 21 to the group]

Friends 8 @Me, can you explain WHY we were invited to this group?

Good question@Friend 8. And don't left!@Friend 21

You know Moon Jo and Hyungsik are at war right? I want to keep them from fighting for at least a week. What do you think?

Friends 10
What's their problem?

Friends 28
Yeah. Until now I don't know why they fight like that?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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