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Moon jo POV

I really don't want to go to canteen. I don't know, every time i think about canteen, i will always remember that i never got a chance to meet my crush.

But gong yoo keep forced me and here i am, sit without any mood for eating. I really want to see him again but yeah maybe god didn't give me a chance now.

I look to my food, it is my favorite food in the canteen, ramyeon. This ramyeon looks good but i don't have any appetite to eating now.

I really can't heard what my friends were talked about, i was like a deaf, didn't heard anything.

"Hey moon jo!, are you hear me!"

"What.." i shock by his shout

He then say sorry to other for interrupt their time to eat, but they just say in the same time "It's okay"

He then sit again and talk to me

"Like i thought, they will forgive you"

"Huh?, I'm not shouted, it's you, they forgive you not me"

"But it is because of you, they worried about you. So when i shouted and you finally back to reality, they felt relief"

"Are they really worried about me?" really i don't know if they watched me, i thought they didn't saw me.

I look around me, and they still stare at me.

"Thank you for your concern guys" i smile at them

They screaming after i smiled at them. Yeah.. maybe i didn't saw my crush, but at least i have my fans, i don't know but by their concern i feel like my energy just full again.

Let's eating this best ramyeon!

I'm talking with my friends, and my mood is more better than before.

Why i didn't want to eat before?, this ramyeon is so good until i ignore my friends.

I look around me, they still talk to their friend and sometimes glance to me, i just reflect to smile, and they just back to their food while smiling and little screaming.

Hahaha, i like how they act, it make me smile.

I keep staring to them and look around, when suddenly someone caught my attention.


Is that my crush!

Okay, it's like i'm not asking. Let's forget about that, i really can't concentrate right now.

He really is!

I keep looking at their direction, i have to be careful, or else my fans will looking to them too, and i'm sure my crush will hate that.

He and his friend were tried to find table for them

I talk with my friends too, we talked about many things, sometimes i took glance at him.

He already sit with his friend. He is eating while listening his friend. If you want to know why i can see that, actually we are face each other, but different table. His friend is same position like me, so i don't know who is he. And maybe god bless me today, because my crush position it's really in front of me, if he look to his front maybe he will see me.

He just look at his friend, and sometimes he answer his friend or just laughing. And i think i saw an angle, his laugh was beautiful!. You can laugh at me, but it's real, i can heard his laugh in the middle of these noise. I don't know but my heart is beating more fast than usual just because i was saw his laugh, and that make me smile too.

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