196# Define That Sh*t (..4..)

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Teenager /noun/: A person who is better prepared for a zombie Apocalypse than tommorow's third period math test.

Internet /noun/: the reason why you are failing your classes

Oh, Cool /phrase/: I really don't care.

Eating /verb/: When your bored as hell and there's no shit to be done.

Nutella /proper noun/: The only reason to buy bread

Common Sense /noun/: a rare form of intelligence. Only 1 in 12,000 are born with it.

K /phrase/: The conversation is clearly over.

Synonym /noun/: a word used in the place of the word you can't spell.

Shower /noun/: shortened from the term "personal concert hall"

Immature /adjective/: a word used by boring people to describe fun people.

Patience /noun/: the most important ingredient for dating, marriage, and kids. (also see Tranquilizers)

Grocery List /noun/: that thing you spend half your time making and forget to bring it with you when shopping.

Argument /noun/: a disscusion that occurs when you are right, and continues until he realizes.

ENJOY! /phrase/: Meaning, Love the time and effort I put into this or else leave. :D

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