161# Jokes! (Hey I'm in the Laughing Mood :D)

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Tell me! Which is you favorite! :D


Boy: I saw on the television last night

Friend: Really!?!?!? What channel!?

Boy: Animal Planet


Definition of being a Human:

Cuts trees, makes paper and writes "SAVE TREES" on the same paper.


When I'm on my death bed, my last words will be "I left a million dollars in the... "

(and if I miraculously didn't die yet I'll be a bitch and still not complete my sentence!)


Girls work on their looks not their brains, because they know boys are stupid, not blind.


Son: can I have some money?

Mom: no what do you think, I am made of money?

Son: isn't it what it stands for?

M- Made

O- Out of

M- Money

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