200# 2True Part 2 (..1..)

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I know you have been waiting almost an entire month for this update and hope this will manage to bring a smile to your face or a tear to your eye. I had the greatest of times making this book and laughing along side all of my beautiful readers (as well as all those silent readers who read this collection of teenage posts) I know I've revealed a lot in this book about my past and all of the crazy moments we all remember at random times, and I regret none of it. It feels amazing to let go of burdens and start over with a smile or two ^o^ SO! for the moment you have all waited for, and my last appearance on this stage of comedy, I bring you Part 2 of 2True :)

I put my heart and soul in to this so enjoy!!

"Here's to people who try their hardest to be good enough for everyone; who spend hours reading random quotes to find the right one; those who listen to the same song a billion times because the lyrics mean a lot; those who deserve much more than they get and are willing to fight for it; those who will wish on stars; those who are wasted on someone that will never truly care; and to the beautiful people that feel lonely in their heart.."

49) Some will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be better. But they can NEVER be you.

48) Be careful who you open. Few care actually care, the rest just want to have something to gossip about.

47) Throughout my life I've loved, I've lied, I've lost, I've missed, I've trusted, I've made mistakes, but most of all I've Learned

46) Sometimes when you give up on someone, it's not that you don't care anymore.. It's because you realize they don't.

45) If you have to choice between me and her, choose her because if you really loved me there wouldn't be a choice.

44) Love hurts. Boys can lie. Girls can cheat. Friends cry. People die. Parents yell. You always try. Your never good enough and you don't know why.

43) I'm sad, hurt, angry, and disappointed. But I'll put a smile on my face and will move on. It will hurt but I will survive.

42) Sometimes it's easier to pretend you don't care than to admit it's killing you.

41) Sometimes.. When I say, "I'm okay.", I just want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say "I know you're not."

40) I'm terrified that if I try my hardest... That I still won't be good enough.

39) When you were the people you used to be, they judged you. When you changed, they criticized you. You can never really win with people. *sigh*

38) Atelphobia; the fear of not being good enough. (This should be LONG gone)

37) Beginning today, treat everyone as if they were to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster. and have no thought of rewards. Your life, then, will never be the same.

36) I never enjoyed luxury, I've always loved simple things like a book, a pen and paper, and or maybe just sitting alone with a pillow in my lap. Still, who could understand such a simple thing?

35) I never thought I was bullied.. Until I listened to how I spoke to myself. I think I owe myself an apology.

34) Dear world, when a girl is quiet, you already know that's dangerous. The things that constantly torture this girl keep repeating, and she has tried to please the people surrounding her; but now she's tired. Give her a break. The ones around her make her feel ugly, like an idiot or never good enough. The people around her never appreciate the things she does for them. This girl is dying inside. She's tried physically, emotionally, and mentally. She only just surviving, sadly, not living. Hear her out, please. Just once, make her truly smile. And even just once, call her beautiful.

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