124# Tricking Them Teachers

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Doing the "I'm thinking really hard face" when the teacher looks at you.


So this page is dedicated to @GirlBehindTheMask15 cause she was da ONLY who guessed on the last post, but that's alright people who didn't there a trillion numbers out there who would my favorite right!? My favorite number is 444 (In Japanese the number 4 is supposed to be unholy and here the unholy number is 666 but i'm mooreee fond of Japan than America for several reasons and one is the peace for there soo yeah there! ... 444 YEAH!!!!!) xD



OH AND PLEASE FOLLOW @GirlBehindTheMask15 NOT JUST CAUSE I SAID SO JUST PRESS DAT FOLLOW BUTTON CAUSE SHE'S FREAKING AWESOME 'KAY!? If you actually followed her you would understand right!? :D

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