Chapter 4

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They reached the Outskirts. And slowly, their body temperatures started to rise.

"We must make this quick, or else we'll turn into a popsicle."
Albedo stated.

"Right! Mr. Albedo, Amber, Kaeya, I must warn you guys; this place is highly dangerous. Keep your guard up. Especially when there are sleeping Ruin Guards and a Ruin Grader."
Sucrose warned, pointing at the sleeping machines.

Albedo took note of what Sucrose said, 
"Alright. It also seems like we need a Cryo Vision user for this puzzle. Kaeya could you come here?"
Then called Kaeya for the Cryo Totem Puzzle.

"Sure. What do you need help with?"

"These totems. We can't interact with them since they're supposed to be activated by a Cryo user."

"Alright, that doesn't seem too difficult."
Kaeya cracked his knuckles.

"Hold on for a second, I don't think Kaeya can activate the totems just yet."
Sucrose told the others.

"Why is that?"
Albedo asked.

"Because there's some kind of ring code that's blocking the totem from being activated. Maybe the only way we can activate it is by turning on this mechanism with a Seelie too..."

Sucrose turned on the mechanism and the Seelie started moving. Kaeya, Sucrose, and Albedo watch closely. Hm? What about amber? Just hugging her non-explosive Baron Bunny close and tight while also watching the Seelie move.

"It showed us a pattern."
Albedo said.

"I got this, I already know what the pattern is."
Kaeya announced.

Kaeya activates the bottom left totem, the upper right totem, bottom right totem, upper left totem, and then the top middle totem.

"See? Told ya I got it. Haha."
Kaeya chuckled.

But things didn't get funny when they felt something shaking in the ground.

"What was that..?"
Sucrose asked in fear.

"The Ruin Guards are waking up!"
Albedo shouted.

"Amber, quick! Shoot the cores!"
Sucrose ordered Amber.

Amber heard the order from Sucrose and she YEETED Baron Bunny up in the sky. She unsheathed her bow and Baron Bunny exploded.

"Alright! Take... this!"
Amber shoots one of the Ruin Guards' cores perfectly. 

But they were not stunned, just yet. Amber shot another one, and the Ruin Guard was stunned.

"Now's our chance!"
Amber shouted.

"Let me handle this one. You guys take the other one."
Kaeya said.

"Alright then, time to teach you a lesso—"

Just as Amber thought she could hit the cores, the Ruin Guard prepared to shoot projectiles.

"Watch out!"
Exclaimed Albedo.

"Stay out of its line of sight!"
Albedo told to Sucrose and Amber.

Luckily, they ran away and the projectiles missed them. The ruin Guard that Kaeya was busy fighting, suddenly woke up.

"Damn it! The other one I was fighting woke up!"
Kaeya shouted in surprise and anger.

Sucrose used a warming bottle for she knew that everyone was already freezing. Amber shot one of the Ruin Guards cores twice. Albedo used his Solar Isotoma. Sucrose built up everyone's Elemental Mastery. Kaeya was trying to bruise the Ruin Guards' legs, freezing them. Amber shot the other Ruin Guard twice, a perfect shot. And thank goodness the Ruin Guards were together, both stunned.

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