Chapter 8

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The menace had awoken, it had been angered by intruders who dare to wake the slumbering flower. It was fierce. It did not hesitate to attack them, banging its head on the ground — releasing its hidden powers as spikes of fire appeared on the ground. Luckily, the four of them evaded flawlessly. Barbara noticed something stuck on the Regisvine, it was the root on the Regisvine. Barbara wanted to know what'll happen if she broke it. The Regisvine noticed Barbara breaking its roots, the creature was angered, angered enough to charge up a huge fireball. Barbara noticed the fireball quickly, she was so close to breaking the root. Luckily, Fischl came and summoned Oz to break the root.

"I summon thee!"

The making of the fireball was canceled as they broke the root of the Regisvine.

"Now's our chance!"
Albedo said.


Albedo used his elemental skill near its head. Albedo realized that the stem wasn't the weak spot, but the head. Every creature's delicate spot is always the head.

"Looks like the weak spot is at its head."
Albedo said as he does a charged attack.

"Adsorption test!"

Sucrose gathered elemental Anemo energy and released it into a small Anemo Hypostasis. The Regisvine was greatly damaged that it fainted and everyone's Elemental Mastery had increased thanks to Sucrose.

"It's vulnerable! Now's our chance!"
Sucrose announced, rushing over to the temporarily fainted Regisvine.

All of them began to attack the Regisvine in its weakened state.

"Burst forth!"
"I summon thee!"

Albedo placed his Solar Isotoma on the ground, near the head of the Regisvine, and thanks to his skill, he and the others were able to do extra damage to the Regisvine.

"Stand clear!"
Sucrose said, gathering Anemo energy and releasing it.

Unfortunately, by the time she used her skill, the Regisvine woke up. All of them were in shock because they thought that the Regisvine would just stay in that position for a minute or 2. They backed away out of its sight, trying to predict what was going to happen and as soon as the Regisvine got up from being stunned, it spun its head around, leaving traces of Pyro in the air. Not only did the air get heavy and hot, but the Regisvine also made its surrounding floor hot like lava. The environment they were in felt like they were walking on a tightrope, while slaying enemies ahead, and lava rising very slowly. The area was burning hot and they could hardly breathe, but the Regisvine, however, was having no problem at all.

Fischl spotted something off with the Regisvine... there was some sort of unknown pyro energy on its head. So Fischl decided to destroy it, like what she and Barbara did with its roots. Fischl aimed and breathed calmly, she ignored everything around her and focused on aiming at the head. Once her arrow was charged with electro, she released her arrow, but unfortunately, the Regisvine swiftly evaded her attack. Fischl was left stunned as she didn't expect any enemy to dodge her attack for she has never witnessed an enemy of hers evade one of her arrows. The Regisvine targetted Fischl, as she was standing in shock and the Regisvine tried to smash its head on Fischl, attempting to crush her.

"Fischl, look out!"

Sucrose pushed her off the sight of the Regisvine, which made Fischl wake up from her senses. Albedo noticed Sucrose in the view of the Regisvine, nearly getting crushed.


Albedo rushed towards Sucrose and as the Regisvine tried to crush her, Albedo dashed towards Sucrose and swiftly placed his Solar ISotoma in front of the Regisvines face to cancel its attack on Sucrose being crushed. Sucrose immediately got away from its sight and as Albedo tried to hold into his skill, the Regisvine was too powerful that it broke Albedo's Solar Isotoma. Albedo hastily evaded the Regisvines smash-on-the-floor-break-your-head attack. Everyone was hurt. Barbara knew exactly what she had to do.

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