Chapter 9. Nathaniel's Family

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The next day the town was buzzing with the news of King Allarick attending a trial for some young fellow who found himself in Captain Morris' clutches.

After hearing the news Winter was relieved, she now knew where Nathaniel was. What other "young fellow" could Captain Morris have? All his other prisoners had escaped, like herself.

Somehow, through Marie's connections, they got into Nathaniel's trial. She didn't have a plan, but she was sure she would, once she surveyed her surroundings. The court-room was surprisingly well guarded; Winter sat down in a chair toward the back of the audience, not finding any good escape.

The trial started Nathaniel looked around, he saw Winter and Marie in the back. They're gonna get themselves into trouble. He shook his head, there was nothing he could do about it now.

"Captain Morris, what do you accuse this man of?" asked Judge knolls.

"Detaining Dirish soldiers from their task."

"I see. Do you admit to this?" He asked, turning to Nathaniel.


"Do you have an explanation for this?" Knolls asked commandingly.

"None, I did it for personal enjoyment." Nathaniel admitted to everyone.

The crowd gasped in horror. This man had stopped their soldiers from doing their job? Was Dirland safe with such people?

Knolls nodded, he kept a straight face while inside he was dying of laughter. It was so like Nathaniel to tell the truth in big gatherings. He seemed to enjoy the looks of horror on the audience's faces.

"Will anyone speak for this young man?"

Everyone was silent, The King cleared his throat: "I will"

The audience was shocked.

"I will take the boy into my custody. Captain Morris will be rewarded greatly for bringing in such a man."

The Captain smirked, glaring at Nathaniel. teach him to mess with Morris.

Nathaniel shrugged, the outcome would have been the same either way. He was just glad the trial had been short.

Winter rushed to Nathaniel, he was sitting on a bench by the sidewall while the court finished with some other business. There was one guard on his side not paying much attention to him.

"don't do this." she told him quietly.

"what choice do I have? After this I'll get to ride in the kings carriage to the palace, I'm not looking forward to it." he said with a grim smile on his face. A long ride to the palace with his father asking him what he was trying to do being so stupid as to mess with Captain Morris, could hardly be enjoyable.

"Why would you ride in the kings carriage? Wouldn't the King not wish to be near a criminal?"

"Nope. On the contrary, he'll request I ride with him." Nathaniel said with such certainty, she didn't question him.

"Then I'm coming with you."

"No! Its too dangerous for you."

"No! And you can't stop me"

He knew there was no changing her mind, having dealt with her stubbornness before. She stood up to get herself arrested, that being the only idea she had to go with Nathaniel.

"fine! I'll ask the king to let you come." he said once she started walking away, the last thing he needed was her being arrested and put in the jail house, while he was stuck dealing with his father. Winter should have realized she wouldn't go with the King if she got arrested, but her stubbornness got in the way of that.

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