Chapter 20. Trespassing

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"Now you believe you are lost?" Marie incredulously questioned.

Jenson gave her a sheepish smile and nodded.

Winter wasn't the best time of year to be lost anywhere in Dirland, let alone Dirland forest. It was cold, even more so at night, Marie wondered how they had managed to even live through it all. She was grateful they had, but that didn't stop her from loudly voicing her complaints. Annoying Jenson in the process of course, she felt he deserved it for making them stay in the harsh conditions for so long.

They hadn't found Nathaniel, nor Winter, they had managed to spend three months without completing anything but arguments, and even most of those were unresolved.

It took the dunder-head Jenson long enough to come to his senses!

"So you will listen to me?" she tested.

Jenson nodded again, slightly this time, he didn't like being wrong or putting aside his pride, typical for the male species.

Marie was going to start ordering the three boys about, but before she could open her mouth, they were set upon by men clad in green. The boys having their hands tied behind their backs and Marie's hands just being held, a whole lot more gentle with her than the men.

Then, stepping out of the mists of green clad men, came a tall man with blonde hair, and a rather handsome face if Marie was honest with herself, and stood before them.

Marie judged that he was trying to look intimidating with his tall posture and inexpressive face, but she just returned it with a hateful glare of her own.

"I want to inquire why you hooligans have been traipsing through my forest." the, who was assumed, the leader said.

"You can want to all you like, but might I point out that neither will we answer, nor is this you forest." Marie quipped, seeing as her bossy companions were now speechless.

Her words accomplished what she had opened her mouth to do, by making this all important leader angry.

Marie could see the rage coming onto his face, smirking in her triumph.

"Take these trespassers back to camp! I'll deal with them there." The leader ordered, all the while glaring at Marie.

She glared right back as the men dragged her off to his 'camp'.

Robert hadn't interacted with many females, but every time he met a new one they tended to glare at him first thing. He might have thought it rather odd, but then again, what interests would he have in girls and what they thought of him?

It will be admitted that when he first met Winter ha might have had some interest in her, but the only reason he pursued, or rather pretended to pursue it was because it made The Prince so angry. And anything to annoy Nathaniel in any way was his friend. The Prince had made sure of that with his annoying ways.

Winter had slept in that day, still in a kind of shock that Nathaniel wasn't there and that now she had no purpose.

After refreshing herself for the day, she went in search of Robert to find out his motives against Nathaniel and what she would do now with The Prince's absence.

"Ahh, Robert. Might I have a word with you?" She asked once she found him.

"Of course, of course. Could it be in a moment? I have some new prisoners to attend to." He answered distractedly.

She nodded her consent, thinking that "Yes, this is precisely what worries me about him. He is all good on the outside, but has a strange affinity to having prisoners." And she went on her way for a walk in the woods, not liking the atmosphere of a capture scene.

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