Chapter 4. Betrayed

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Winter had thought of a great plan, a great way to tease Nathaniel.

Her plan was to not come back after Her daily roamings. Then Nathaniel would get mad at Her and try to convince Her to stay again. Winter thought it would be funny. but there was no way to know for sure what Nathaniel would think, or do.

So Winter didn't come back one day, just for fun.

Nathaniel didn't notice Winter's absence that night, or the next day. His thoughts were on the Dirish, who had stayed on the island longer than He, or anyone els expected. The onley reason for why they were staying that Nathaniel could think of was: either they had no way off the Island, or they were looking for something, like a lost soldier, or someone. By the looks of it the Dirish had a way off the Island. "so they'r looking for someone" whispered Nathaniel quietly perched on a branch, watching the Dirish make thier way through the woods.

Nathaniel had the Dirish watched, and told His men if they found anything by way of usefull information to report it to Him.

He decided to take a break from the stress of playing with the Dirish, and see what Winter was up to. Then, not finding Winter in camp went on a walk. Knowing She sometimes napped in the trees. But Nathaniel couldn't find Winter any-where, He was starting to get anoyed. He asked around camp and sure enough Winter was missing, She hadn't been seen all day.

It was about noon and Nathaniel was eating His midday meal. Where could she be?

He sent a search party out to find Her. They returned at night fall with Her wherabouts. "in the east clearing, She was making ready for bed when we saw her" one of His men told Him.
Well at least I know where she is.

Winter was getting ready for the night, when She had this feeling She was being watched. She looked around but couldn't see anything out of the usual. She tried to calm Her nerves. By convincing Herself it was just because she was a little jumpy, and that this tease was the best thing she'd ever thought of.

Right after the news of Winter's wherabouts was told to Nathaniel. He went with a group of men to fetch Her. They were walking on the ground, Winter would be in a clearing with not many trees around. So Nathaniel didn't see the point in going from tree to tree, when they'd have to climb out of them when they got there. Nathaniel and the men hadn't gone far when they heard lots of noise up ahead. It actually wasn't much noise just a small clatter, but to the outlaw's trained ears it sounded defening. they saw a lamp ahead where the noise was coming from

"Who goes there?" called Nathaniel.

"Dirish soldiers, loyal to the crown" answered the clear voice of the captain. And no, it didn't accur to the captain, even once, that He aught to not say He was loyal to the crown.

"And who might you be?" called the captain after a moment of silence.

"Just some humble citizens, out for an evening stroll" replied Nathaniel while smiling mischieviosly. The Dirish couldn't see His face, so they thought, as He had said. That He was a humble citizen. The Dirish' gaurd was not on. because they were so close to Dirland, they imagined everyone would treat them nicely and sufficiently, befitting thier rank.

Nathaniel on the other hand was in the mood for some fun.

"would you like to come to our small vilage to pass the night?" He said sweetly in his most humble citizen voice.

"that would be lovely, thankyou" said the captain, grateful that his men wouldn't have to set up camp in this dark.

So Nathaniel led the Dirish soldiers to his camp, and over to the pit. Then the Dirish soldiers fell in, everyone of them, including the captain.

"well that was fun!" Nathaniel smiled "now to get back to Winter"

After making sure the trap door to the pit was locked, and giving the orders to take the Dirish' wepons. Nathaniel set off again to go get Winter.

The night was almost over, when they finally got to the east clearing. Nathaniel saw Winter sleeping and thought how pretty she looks sleeping. He then picked her up, and started carrying her back to camp.

His men were a little surprized by this, but kept thier thoughts to themselfs.

When Winter woke up she had the feeling she was moving. She opened Her eyes to find Nathaniel carrying Her! She half jumped and He half dropped Her out of His arms. But then, quick as lightning, He had her hands behind Her back. Holding them there, quite firmly actually.

He had done this without thinking, and now it would be too embarassing to let go of Her hands. So He held them there, quite awkwardly if you ask me.

Winter was surprized, if not more so than Nathaniel. Why does He all of a sudden treat me like a prisoner? Oh this is bad!  Winter had onley seen Nathaniel's good side. What of His bad side?

She struggled to get Her hands free, but it was useless. Nathaniel was pretty strong, from living in the woods his whole life.

"Good morning" He said, as if this was the usual way they met each morning.

"oh yes, very good indeed" She said sarcastically, masking Her feelings.

The sarcasticness hurt Nathaniel a little, now He'd lose Winter because of a thoughtless action. Oh what could be worse? Thought Nathaniel.

When they got back to camp, Nathaniel shoved Winter into a tent. Upset, Nathaniel told one of His camp members to gaurd the tent, and left camp.
Why did I ever decide to grab Winter's hands behing Her back?

What He had been thinking was...

Well, He hadn't been thinking. But when hunting, or catching stuff, if it tries to get away, you grab it. Well that's what He did, but this wasn't an animal He was trying to cook. It was a person He was trying to convince to stay! Well that won't happen admitted Nathaniel to Himself. Not onley had He captured Her, He had put Her in a guarded tent. He knew she would try to escape if He hadn't. He would, if He was in Her place.

But now that Nathaniel thought about it, puting Her in a gaurded tent, probably wasn't the best idea. Now Winter would leave as soon as She got the chance. She'd go home, and He'd never see Her again.

Winter felt betrayed, angry, but mostly sad, at Nathaniel. The thought of leaving did accur, but Winter quickly banished it. She didn't want to leave, She just wanted Nathaniel to be nice! Was that so much to ask? Well aparantly. thought Winter. She was just plain mad at Nathaniel. And no, She didn't think Her teasing Him, by running away, was anything to blame. In Her mind She was completely inocent.

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