Chapter 19. Starting Over

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Once reaching Knolls' chambers Nanette was not feeling quite as brazen as she had been in the great hall. Knolls wasn't looking as calm as he had been in the great hall either, he actually looked rather furious.

"What in the world were you trying to accomplish out there!" he said in a very poorly concealed yell, while pointing towards his door in the direction of the great hall. Then he proceeded to take off his dress coat that was still covered in food, and tossing it into a corner of his room. A Valet would take care of it later.

The lady Servant was quiet as she stared at him with wide scared eyes, feeling like a trapped animal.

Knolls tried to stay mad at her, but her terrified form quickly made him feel sorry for her, dissolving his anger. He sighed, placing his hand on his face in thought.

This action put Nanette more at ease as she took a step towards him, suddenly feeling guilty. A few more steps towards him and she was close enough to study his face, seeing stress and worry, but a smile hidden just beneath it. "I'm sorry." She said quietly, "I-I..." she couldn't think of what else to say, how to justify her actions.

At her words, Knolls looked up, instantly noticing how close she was. He shook his head, "It is I who should apologize."

Seeing her confused look a small smile came onto his face, finding her amusing. "For not making an appearance at your dinner." he continued on to explain.

With the reminder of her wasted dinner and the tears he had caused her, she became angry again, "You very well should be!"

He watched as anger made it's way into her expression, becoming a little apprehensive of what she might do.
He relaxed a little after all she did was yell at him, but remained cautious.

Glaring at The Chamberlain Nanette felt restricted, she wanted to slap him, or cause him physical pain in some way, but it went against everything she had been taught to do so.

After what seemed like forever standing there glaring at Knolls, The Lady Servant finally gave up her inner battle and looked away from his face, then continued to rigidly make her way to the door, using all of her self control and well breeding to not do something rash.

Right as she reached the door, Knolls called out, stopping her"Can we start over?"

It was a simple question, but Nanette wasn't sure of her answer.

"Please?" Knolls added on, she thought she even might ave her, longing in his voice?

Sighing in resignation, knowing she would regret this but unable to convince herself not to. She turned back towards him, "Fine." she answered sharply.

He sighed in relief, he didn't know why he cared so much, but he liked having her in his life, he then proceeded to introduce himself, "Good evening, allow me to introduce myself, Lord Chamberlain Knolls, at your service Miss?" waiting for her name.

"Nanette." she offered.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance Miss Nanette." walking forward and bowing, while placing a kiss on her hand.

She blushed at the gesture, not used to being treated as an important lady. "'Tis I who am pleased." she returned his words.

"Now," Knolls began in a lighter voice, "if you will excuse me, I must call my Valet and get out of these victual covered clothes."

She blushed again, remembering why his clothes were dirty. "I'll take my leave." she said, making her way to the door once again.

"And Nanette?" Knolls caught her before she left, "I do not blame you for the food, I deserved what I got."

She didn't turn around, but smiled happily, proud to have put the annoying man in his place.

Instead of his Valet, who he was expecting, King Allarick decided to make an appearance in Knolls' chambers.

"So how did it go?" Allarick asked, getting right to the point of his visit.

"Very well, I believe." Knolls answered, not wasting time in trying to put his friend off, he had given up trying years ago.

The King laughed, "By how angry she looked I would have thought you two would have strangled each by now."

At Allarick's words Knolls gave him a secretive smile, "I have my ways." he said rather mysteriously.

"Do not tell me you knocked her unconscious and have her hidden in your closet do you?!" King Allarick asked jokingly.

"Have more faith in me than that!" Knolls admonished. "I tied and gagged her beforehand, would not want her waking up and drawing the attention of the other servants!" he added, following along with the joke.

Allarick shook his head in amusement, "Of course."

The very next moment Knolls' Valet entered, making The King and Knolls' conversation come to an end.

Shortly after Knolls had left at dinner and rumours had time to go around, the dinner was ended and the Nobles headed back to their respective rooms.

Nathaniel was led back to his rooms with no less than five guards around him, orders from The King.

The Prince had been rather glad that all the attention had been captured by Knolls and The Servant Lady and not himself. Nathaniel would not mind waiting another day before his name was on all the Nobles' tongues.

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