Chapter 10. Captured! for the third time

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At breakfast the next morning, it was just King Allarick and Winter in the great dining hall.

All the higher nobles had slept in, being their lazy selfs.

"You seem to have an unusual accent." commented The King after they were settled with food on their plates.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Winter inocently.

"I was just wondering where it was from."

"From my father I supose. Though, I never fully understood where he was from." Winter lied smoothly. She wasn't really lying, she did get the accent from her father.

"Ahh, I see." mused Allarick.

"You have a wonderful son." she said, trying to change the direction of their conversation.The last thing I need is for my loyalties to be discovered.

"Ahh yes, that he is."

After listnening to Winter talk a while about his son. It clicked, and he remembered where he had heard the accent before. It was a Neric accent!
"Are you Neric?" the King asked, seemingly out of the blue, but in the most calm, normal tone.

Winter was shocked! The shock was quickly replaced by fear. "Why would you ask such a question?" she asked, hoping her face hadn't betrayed her thoughts.

The King smiled smugly and took a sip from his goblet, amused, her face had betrayed everything. So she is Neric?

He continued to question her, wanting to make sure his asumptions were right. He believed that a wise king always double checks himself.

"Your king has asked you a question, are you Neric? Well, if you are, then I wouldn't be your king. Would I?"

"Nn, n, no sir."

"No? Your not Neric?" he lifted his eyebrow disbelievingly.

"Um no, you wouldn't be my king if I was."

"So, I am your king?"

"Well, not, technically."

"Stop playing with words and answer me girl!" he commanded.

"Well, actually, I am." she looked down shamefully, hoping for the King to pity her.
When she looked up all she saw on his face, was hatred and disgust.

"Gaurd?" the King quietly called.

"Yes? Your majesty?"

"Please escort this young lady to the dungeon."

The gaurd nodded and held out his hand, waiting politely for Winter's.
Winter stood up and eyed the outstreched hand with disgust. The gaurd shook his head amused, then said in a low voice "Right this way." and he walked ahead.

Winter didn't know what els to do, so she followed him. I should knock him out and escape! But she didn't, she wanted to see Nathaniel and talk with him. But how am I suposed to talk with him, when I'm in the dungeon?

The gaurd walked down some stairs and hallways, then stopped at a door opening it, and motioning for her to enter while bowing.
She nodded curtly and walked in.

The gaurd closed the door and left, she heard the bolt on the door being locked and the steps of the gaurd leaving. looking around she was surprized by the soft and plushness of this dungeon. Is that guard sure this is the dungeon? She shrugged, so what if it isn't? What do I care?

She threw herself on the bed and started crying, sudenly overcome with sadness. Crying for home, for The King's disgust of her, and she hadn't seen Nathaniel since yesterday afternoon. What was she supposed to do here?
This was his world, not hers. A world he didn't want, but it was still his.

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