Chapter 11. Escape, again!

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Nathaniel had already found one way out of the room.
One of the boards on the wall behind the beds head board was really loose, and he knew his way around the inside of The Castle's walls.
From there he knew a way to a tunnel that led to the forest. It was a long tunnel, I'll admit, but it was there nontheless.

Nathaniel got off the bed and went to the corner where he slept.

Winter was surprized. "Your not sleeping on the bed?"

"Why would I?"

"Umm, I don't know? Maybe normally people sleep on beds?"

"You'll find I'm anything but normal. Plus, I find even this carpet too soft for my liking." he said, his eyes closed.

"What's it like to be a prince?" As she said it, she realized she really did want to know.


"Really? I'm sure lots of other men would love to be a prince."

"It's sold as something glorified and wonderful. But you try being one, all it is: is rules and more rules, a big cage."

"Well, I guess you would know."

"Hmm, the worst part is not being able to do anything for yourself.
You can't dress yourself, "it's just not befitting of your rank to spend time on such trivial matters." all you do is sit and give out orders, I would much rather be a servant than a prince. The servant still has rules, true, but at least they get to do things. Being a prince just isn't the life for me."

"I never thought about it that way. Very insightful"

They were pretty much bored all that day. Though, they did have some fun when the old lady servant came with a meal.
She had started telling them how awful it was to slip on water in a hallway.
"Ungrateful creatures!" she said as she left.

Then Winter and Nathaniel couldn't help themselfs, and both started laughing histarically.

"Okay, that really wasn't that funny." said Winter, trying to hold her laughter in a little.

"Oh yes it was."

And they laughed some more.
Winter hadn't known how funny Nathaniel could be. He was mostly serious and concerned for every one at camp.
But I guess he's more of a naughty school boy here, trying to get out of his lessons.
And oddly, that was kind of true. At the palace Nathaniel had always been treated as a little child, so that's the part he acted there.

The next day, as Nathaniel had expected, King Allarick decided to grace them with his presence.

"Ahh, your majesty. Welcome to our lowley prison cell." said Nathiel sarcastically. He had decided to annoy his father as much as possible, just for the fun of it.

"Our?" asked The King, ignoring Nathaniels taunts. He really didn't care how his son tried to annoy him, he wouldn't give in to becoming angry and flustered.

"Why yes, for some reason my dear friend Winter was thrown in the dungeon." Nathaniel said with an evil grin.
So he doesn't know she was thrown in here, wonderful.

"She was Neric, I ordered her thrown in the dungeon. What was that blasted gaurd thinking?"

"Tsk. Tsk." said Nathaniel shaking his head "You shouldn't use such language, its unbecoming of your exalted station."

"I'll use what words I want boy!" the King really wasn't in the mood for this.

"Boy? Now father, I'm eighteen. I'd hardly call that a boy." said Nathaniel acting hurt. His plan to annoy his father had started to work.

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