Chapter 5. Accusations and Agreements

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Winter was bored in the tent. So She opened the tent flap and asked, as nicely as She could "may I speak with Nathaniel?"

The gaurd nodded, and someone went to get Nathaniel.

Nathaniel had made His way back to camp, and was trying to sleep in His tent. When He heard Winter wanted to talk with Him.
This aughta be good. He thought.

He went out of His tent and noticed it was a nice sunny day.
Hmm maybe a walk with Her wouldn't be that bad.

When He came into the tent where Winter was, He saw Her on the other side of the room. with Her arms crossed, giving Him a condessending, disaproving, impatient, stubborn look.
How can she ever forgive me? Thought Nathaniel. "well, how about a walk?"

Winter got up, and Nathaniel opened the tent door very gentlman-like. Then Nathaniel followed Winter out.

As they were walking there was a strained silence between them.

Winter and Nathaniel tried to ignore that they were ferousiosly mad at each other, and themselfs. But the underline feeling of the silence wasn't comradship.

When they passed by the prison pit, Winter looked at Nathaniel confusedly at the noise She heard. Nathaniel saw it and smiled, He had forgotten Winter hadn't been there when they had 'helped' the Dirish have a place to stay for the night. So Nathaniel decided to have some fun "oh, those are just the soldiers we captured last night. You would have known if you hadn't gone traipsing around the woods." He accused.

"Ohh! So now it's my fault is it?" She was geting even angrier at Him, if that was even possible.

"well, of course it's your fault that you didn't know." He replied frustrated.

"Humph! Well I don't care. It's your fault I haven't found out until now!" She said, finally getting the better of Him.

Oh no! Maybe I should have thought this through before accusing Her. Thought Nathaniel "oh? And why is that?" though He knew perfectly well why.

"I would think it was obviouse! Well if it's not obviouse. Let me enlighten you" said Winter supiriorily "you! Well first you forced my hands behind my back, and rather roughly dragged me back to camp. Then, you put me in a gaurded tent! Like some criminal or prisoner indignantly! What'd I ever do to you? Or anyone els in this camp for that matter!" There! She had said it, the very acts Nathaniel hadn't owned up to.

They were still at the pit where the Dirish were, they had stopped walking when Winter had started yelling at Nathaniel.

During their 'argument' as Winter was calling it, She had noticed that the captured Dirish had had Her fellow war prisoners in the pit with them. So she asked Nathaniel to let them out and untie them. Though, She didn't know if He would. She had, just kinda told Him everything He did was wrong.

Nathaniel had been quiet through all of Winter's accusations. but when Winter had asked for Him to release the Neric soldiers, He did give the order for it to be done.

The Neric soldiers were a little surprized at seeing Winter as a girl.

After Winter's identity was discovered, some old dresses were loaned to Her. so she could wear them, only if She wanted to, of course. And She was wearing one now.

The Neric soldiers were all in thier early twentys, most of them had sun bleached blond hair, and were big and strong. Back, before thay had been captured, they had treated Winter like a little brother, Her being a girl didn't change thier atitude towards Her. If anything, they teased Her even more because of it.

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