Chapter 16. The Snow Ball Fight

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The snow was late in coming that year, but the first snow was magical for Winter. She had been named for the snows in Dirland, but had never actually witnessed one herself. So when she woke up to snow outside her tent, she was so surprised. Though, not enough so that she couldn't think of many pranks to play on everyone.

She got piles and piles of snow, and pushed it into Nathaniel's tent, so he would wake up to nothing but snow. Getting all the snow past the guards was tricky, but she was good at talking people into things.

Nathaniel had been having fitful dreams of going back to the castle without Winter, and woke up once again. At least, he thought he had woken up.

But there were piles of snow surrounding him. He knew the nights had been cold, but there was no way this much snow could just appear on it's own in a tent. "Another dream, at least this one is interesting."

He climbed over the snow piles to the exit of the tent, slipping and stumbling down the pile, he tumbled out the door, catching the guards by surprise.

"Ho there! You're not allowed out here!" They yelled at him.

But he, thinking it was a dream, disregarded them. Well, until they tackled him to the ground.

He hadn't had a fight in a long while, so he was rather enjoying throwing himself against these guards.

He was holding one down, with the other on his back, when he felt a snowball hit the back of his head. "Hey! Who did that?" He looked up to see Winter laughing. "You'll regret it." he said, tossing the guards off of him and chasing after her.

Realizing his intentions, Winter took off running into the woods. Hiding behind a tree, she started making a pile of snowballs to use once Nathaniel found her. It wouldn't be long, her tracks led straight to her.

Nathaniel quietly climbed the tree Winter was hiding behind, she was too occupied with making snowballs to look up.

"Boo!" he said, dropping down after she had a good sized pile.

"Ahh!" she jumped back in surprise, "Nathaniel! Don't do that!"

He grinned, enjoying playing with her.

"What? This?" he said, picking up a snowball and throwing it at her.

"That too!"

The guards had followed Nathaniel, fearing his escape. When they lunged for him, he threw a few of Winter's snowballs at them.

"Jerard!" Winter yelled to the senior guard "Let him have some fun!" throwing some snowballs at him.

The younger guard threw some snowballs back, having fun.

Nathaniel didn't like anyone throwing snowballs at Winter but himself. So he pelted the young guard with a rain of snowballs, defending Winter.

Some way or another, they fell into a snowball war. The guards on one team, and Winter and Nathaniel on the other.

Robert was walking along the path in-between tents, just coming back from breakfast, when he was caught in the crossfire of the snowball war. "Jerard!" he yelled, Jerard being the one who threw the ball. "Why aren't you at your post, and where is the prisoner?"

Jerard pointed to an incoming snowball thrown by none other than Nathaniel. Turning his head to follow Jerard's finger, Robert put his face in just the right spot to have the snowball hit it square in the middle.

"Jerard!" he yelled again.

Jerard didn't answer, he was too busy laughing himself into oblivion.

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