Chapter 6. Captured Again!

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When Nathaniel tried to have furthur conversation, Winter would not answer or show anything as to hearing him. So he gave up and left.

The next day, when Winter's friends were leaving for town. Winter saw them off, then right after, She returned to her tent.

She refused to see anyone, and if they did come, She refused to say anything to them.

She could be forced to stay here, but she couldn't be forced to talk.

She wouldn't talk to Nathaniel, no matter how hard he tried to get a conversation going.

In this time of silence with Nathaniel, Winter was making good friends with Marie.

At first Winter had wanted nothing to do with Marie, she had been there at Winter's greatest defeat. But after a week of not talking to Nathaniel, she needed someone to talk to and be her friend. Before it had been Nathaniel who was her friend at camp, her main focus and reason for staying. Now she was all alone, so she made friends with Marie.

Marie had shown up once or twice at Winter's tent, for cleaning, or so she called it. Winter had gotten to know her, and rather liked her, though she'd never show it. She wasn't going to be a happy captive, if she was one.

Once, when Winter and Marie were having a good conversation and laughing together, Nathaniel came and cut her laughter short.
Of all the people to show up while I was laughing! Thought Winter.

"I would like to talk with you" was Nathaniel's composed command. He waited while she got up from the ground, where she sat by Marie, then walked towards his tent.

Winter, frustrated, followed behind.

When they got to the tent Nathaniel opened the door, expecting Winter to go in first.
Uhgg! He wants me to brush past him! The nerve! She walked in quickly, then walked to the other side of the room and stood there.

After shutting the tent door, Nathaniel looked to Winter. He saw her hands clenched into fists, her posture tense, seething with rage and hate for him.

The silence in the tent was strained.

Nathaniel had thought: that if he made Winter stay, they could have more fun times together. But what he hadn't calculated, was that he would turn into the 'badguy' and that Winter would treat him as such. All he had now, was Winter wasting her life for the sake of her Neric friends.

He had to come up with a way to make himself the 'goodguy' to Winter again.

He could free her, but then she might still be mad at him. She might think: ugg! It took him long enough to come to his senses! So then she would not fully forgive him.

He finally resolved that the only way for Winter to like him again. Was that someone capture her, other than himself. Then he would rescue her.
Well that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Unless!

He had a briliant idea, He'd work out the kinks later.

Winter stood there, puzzled by Nathaniels quietness. He said he wanted to talk, then didn't talk at all! He was infuriating! Then suddenly he just left, forgetting that Winter was there at all. Well at least he didn't try and get me to talk. She thought, relieved.

I hope this will work. Thought Nathaniel.

So Nathaniel had the trapdoor to the pit the Dirish were in unlocked. It would take the Dirish a while before they realized they weren't locked in anymore.

"do you want to come along?" asked Nathaniel.

"No." she said firmly. Winter had started using one syllable words with Nathaniel, like: yes, no, I hate you so much I want to kill you! Okay, not the last one, but she thought it.

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