Chapter 3

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'Once upon a time, there was a barbaric, ruthless, amoral, demon-like bastard who couldn't care less about his fellow man...'

In the middle of the night, we can see our friendly delinquent, Y/N, enjoying his sleep-in peace. He is currently wearing a relaxed but stoic face. Suddenly, his cheeks are tinted by a light pink. He then starts to sweat, and his facial expression becomes troubled

Y/N jumps awake and turns to look around at his surroundings. He sighs with his cheeks now flushed red.

'I need to get a girlfriend...' Is the prominent thought on the teens mind. He then hears a cry and an explosion happen a few miles away.

'Thank god I took those extra ten minutes . . .'


On the school rooftop, Oga is laying on the ground, Furuichi's on his phone, and Y/N is leaning against the railing.

Furuichi: "Maybe I shouldn't ask, but... are you ok?"

Oga: "Okay? Do I look okay?"

Furuichi: "No you don't..."

Oga: "Hilda said five times a day was enough...but that's not even close!"

Oga gets up and look through his bag while Furuichi gives him a questioning look.

Furuichi: "What are you doing?"

Oga: "Looking for baby be'el's food, man, food!"

Oga's face then contorts into a face of surprise then one to horror.

Oga: "Gone?!"

Furuichi: "What is?"

"I'm telling you, it's the powdered milk for royalty!"

With Y/N, he is trying to remember what his dream in the morning was about because it was the first dream to make him this flustered.

Y/N: 'Pretty sure it was a person...a girl, perhaps? Well, I'm not into guys...'

Furuichi has now noticed that no one listened to his story except Alaindelon.

Furuichi: "At least pretend to listen..."

Y/N is brought back from trying to remember his dream to a big man groping Furuichi's chest 

Y/N: '...' 

Y/N looked at Furuichi straight in the eyes with a slightly serious look and signed...

"Oi Furuichi, do you know how you found out you were attracted to other men?"

Furuichi: "NOT YOU, TOO!"


Y/N: "Oga, quit being so panicky, you can find milk anywhere"

Oga: "Sure, but you're not the one on a time limit!"

Oga is currently at the vending machine in the cafeteria trying to pick a drink to give baby be'el after finding out they ran out of milk.

Oga: "What about green tea?!"

Y/N: "Why not try the vending machine on your right"

Oga looks up from the green tea and realizes what Y/N just suggested. He looks over to the other vending machine and see's there is still a ton of milk left. He ignores the other delinquents and shoves the Yen in the slot.

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