36. Shadow Boy

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She had broken into a cold sweat and faintly shook as she regained consciousness, her eyes widened as she took in several people standing over her. She blinked as her eyes adjusted at their own pace then stared. She wasn't sitting down anymore, she could feel hard wood underneath her biting into her skin.

"Why am I on the floor?" she scanned the crowd suspiciously it was mainly eighth years.

"You passed out" Hermione started to pull her and and she hissed, it felt like someone had thrown a rock and tore a whole in her head.

"Then you were shaking and shouting-" Ginny looked her over.

She remembered the dream, if it even counted as a dream anymore.

"S-someone wanted revenge for something I did" her voice shook and Hermione looked down at her sharply.

"How do you know that?" she said eyeing her as if she didn't think she was herself.

"I-um" her voice woobled and before she could blink Hermione's wand was at her throat, prodigy into her voice box.

"Mione!-" she said startled but Hermione just shoved the wand even more into her neck.

"Where did we meet?" Hermione said, her eyebrows drawn into a line.

"What, what are you doing" she tried to move herself but Hermione held her firmly in place.

"Where did I meet" she shouted.

"The library, the library! you gave me a copy of your potions notes" she shouted eyes wide.

Hermione pulled back her wand and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Sorry I had to make sure" she mumbled, Ginny gave her a startled look.

"It was a dream, I've been having them for a while" she crossed her arms over her chest trying to ignore the throbbing in her head and throat.

"Dreams?" Ginny asked wearily.

"There's this faceless boy which tells me things like he's going to kill everyone, then he plays the scenarios in front of me while he's practically freezing me to death" it felt oddly good to get that of her chest, she probably should've told them about the dreams sooner.

"Shit" Hermione mumbled starting to pace Ginny just stood palling with a horrified expression on her face.

"I'm-I'm sure it's not like before" Hermione put a hand on Ginny's shoulders and Constance stared at the pair oddly. "Before?" she questioned and Hermione turned to her clenching her jaw.

"Something like that happened to Harry" Hermione started slowly.

"What-what was it like, describe the atmosphere" Ginny said quickly.

Her eyes flickered between the two before she answered, "It was very cold but in the dream I just had, the--the air was almost heavy I don't know how to explain it--it was like something poisonous had tampered with the air, it was harder to breath-

"Dark magic" Hermione interrupted her raking her fingers through her hair.

She quickly pulled Constance out of her seet then turned to Ginny, "Go tell McGonagall." Ginny nodded and Hermione was pulling her towards the dormitories. She pulled her into their room then stopped in front of her bead Hermione let go of her and started lightly tapping bricks then the wall shifted with a small squeak.

"Blimney" Constance mumbled under her breath.

"This common room has multiple hidden sections, this one leads straight to the library we aren't meant to leave allocated rooms but was must" Hermione pulled her down the cold corridor lighting it with her wand.

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