Chapter 3

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Peter's POV

I woke up early this morning, I never wake up that early, when I do, I'm probably going in a date with a girl or hang out with the guys. But I wasn't, I woke up early because I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was her, Jessica is haunting my nights. I'm so in love with her!!! I remember when I met Nath yesterday. I was searching for Jessica to invite her in that party but I couldn't find her, than I saw Nath, her curves was perfect, she was really pretty and I thought that she could make me forget, I helped her with her stuff and my phone rang, it was Jessica than I totally forgot about Nath.

I take an apple and went back to my bed. I take my phone and check Jessica's instagram page, I just want to see her face, I miss her, her smile, her hair, her everything. I have an idea, unless of spying her instagram page, I'll invite passing the day with me. I take my phone and call her.

'' Hello !! '' she says, clearly asleep, did I wake her up, maybe I should call later.

'' Um... I'll call when you're awake.''

'' No, go ahead, I'm already awake''

'' Ok !! Dou you wanna go out ?? ''

'' Where ??''

'' We'll see!!! ''

" OK then! "

She hang up. I bath, dress up and I was ready. I pass in front of Nath's dorm and I realised that Jessica's was next to her. I knok at Jessica's door. She open it. She was wearing a blue shirt and a black jean, she's so hot, I look, no doubt that I stare at her for five minutes before she says something.

- Where are we going ?? She ask

- Having fun !! Let's go eat ice cream.

She smiles and nodded, I'm happy to see her smile again.

We took my car. I on the radio and ask what she wanted to listen. She just turn the channels until she heard L.A love by Fergie.

- I love this song !! She says

I smile and start driving, I stop in front of a nice shop, where there was yellow umbrella outside, it reminds me of Rihanna's song.

I get out of the car and went open the door for her.

- Sir, can be a gentleman ??

- Miss, didn't know ??

We both laugh, I don't actually know why cause it wasn't funny, maybe the fake accent.

I take a vanilla ice cream covered with chocolate and she takes strawberry. We go walk on the park near the shop.

- So, how's life ?? I ask

- Not well !! My parents are getting divorce and my brother is in jail!!

- Why ??

- He stabbed my neighbord in his back for violently attack my mother.

- Yeah, I know, he called me this day, you know we're like brothers !! I mean for your parents.

- OK!! I don't really wanna talk about this, all I can say is that it's not like they love each other anymore.

I didn't say a word, I just wanted her to trust me, to talk to me about it, but I see on her eyes that it hurts, talking about her parents hurts and I could understand that.

When we finished to eat our ice creams I lie down on the grass and she follow my mouvment. Her head was on my shoulder and I was carressing her hair.

- I love this !! She suddently says

- Me too, I love been near you!!

- It's not like it would last forever !!

- Why are you saying this ??

I can't beleive that she's saying this, but I sure know why, when Brad's parents divorced, he stopped beleive in love, he says it was just a game, and when you loose, you don't retry cause if you do you'll be lost. But me, I still beleive in it, it is hard to love, everybody knows that, we have to fight to get and we have to fight to keep it.

- I'm just saying, nobody really love you, they love themselves first !!

- What were you expecting ?? It is human to love yourself first !! In fact you have to learn to love yourself before loving anyone else !!

She stays quiet, and after a few minutes, maybe hours she get up.

- I'm hungry !!

- I'm starving !! I replied.

We took the car and headed to a subway, I love going there, you can have a sandwich bigger than your head, seriously. We park and enter in the sub !! I saw Nath, she was eating a big ass sandwich !!

We seat down right in front of her than she get up and step away. I remember that yesterday that Jake, her brother, gave me her phone number, I though why not but it was a bad idea, she almost attacked me if I didn't tell her how I have her phone number, than she's doing jokes of me with Jessica, I'm not offended but... You can stop when you want to !!

- I'm going at the beach, wanna come with me ?? Nath says

- Yeah, why not ?? Jessica touch my hand and ask me if I want to.

- OK ! I says.

I took my car and Jessica and Nath took Nath's one. I'm not happy anymore, I was suppose to have my day with my girl but it seems like the universe hate me!!

When we arrived at the beach the girls run to the ocean like their butt were on fire, so I did the same thing, just for fun!! The salt water fells good, it's being a long time since I went to the beach. We stay on the water talking, playing for ten minutes or more, when Jessica decides to go eat.

- I love here !! Nath says

- Yeah !! It's like any other beach !! I reply

- Maybe, but..

- OK wathever, you win it's special !

- What is your problem ??

- You !!

- Well, ok !!

She get up, take her stuff, get in her car and drive away !! And I receive a message.
'' Bye, and I'm not talking to you anymore!! '' It was Jessica, she was here in front of me, why didn't she just talk to me, she's really mad, but its Nath's fault, if she didn't come to talk to us today, it wouldn't happen.

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